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He nudges my head with his arm. “Focus, you little cunt.”

I swallow and watch as he leads me towards the front doors of the hall that sits beside Kurr’s house. I pray, even though I know God would have wiped his hands of me, that none of these bodies are Raze, Miles, Beast, Hella, Frost or any of the boys I know.

“Show time.” He launches his foot through the doors which swing open and I freeze, my eyes finding Raze instantly. His eyes are something else entirely right now and I instantly know something is wrong. I’ve never seen him look this… dark. Once he sees the hand that’s around my mouth, he bares his teeth and that’s when I drop my eyes to see him clutching…

Oh, shit. I’m going to be sick.

Peter chuckles from behind me and nudges me forward as Raze steps toward us slowly. “Now, now, everyone is going to need to drop their weapons right now or I’ll put a bullet so deep in this little nun’s skull that she will be praying to God to send her to Hell.”

Raze growls and I look around at everyone, searching for Miles. Raze steps forward again and pauses by a body lying on the ground.

“You’re going to need to let her go,” he says. “Right. Now.”

Peter tsks at his comment. “Nope, that’s not going to happen.”

My eyes rake down Raze until they fall onto the body on the ground, and it’s then that everything inside of me breaks. A painful weeping scream rips out of my chest as tears pour out from my eyes. “No, no, no!” I scream from behind the hand.

Peter growls, “What the fuck is—?”

I turn around, bite down on the palm of his hand, and he lets go instantly. Pushing his chest until he falls backwards, I snarl at him.

“You little bitch!” he shouts out.

Raze lunges forward towards the man, but my eyes are locked on Miles’ empty shell of a body. My eyes blur, my head spins, and my heart feels like it’s being ripped from my chest. I keep my eyes locked on his empty pale eyes, running towards him in slow motion, and then it happened. A loud pop sounds out at the exact moment a piercing pain shoots through the back of my neck. My hand reaches out for Miles’ hand that’s stretched forward and my body falls while the deep black depths of my abyss attempt to suck me in. Everything that was once there, is no longer. The pain disappears along with my vision, and I fall, my head landing on my arm with the final thing I remember being the tips of my fingertips connecting with Miles’ fingers and a deep chill slithering into the wound in the back of my neck.

My heavy eyelids peel open and onto the blank white walls of nothingness. Everything is pale and white—the floor, walls, and everything around me. It’s like I’m floating inside a cloud. Where am I? What’s happened?


I spin around, my eyes locking on Miles. He looks the same in his trademark crisp suit and his

hair falling tidily over his collar. “Miles?” I whisper.

He walks towards me, reaching his hand out. “It’s me.”

My hand finds his and I close my eyes at the contact. “Where are we? What’s happened?” He looks at me sadly. “Puddin’, you’re gonna need to go back. Raze needs you.” “What?” I whisper, and then everything comes crashing into me. Miles. Dead. Lifeless. Me,


I reach behind my neck to find it clean.

“Miles?” I cry, my sobs ripping out of my chest. “No,” I shake my head. “No, I’m not leaving

without you.”

“You have to, baby. You can’t be here.”

“I’m here, and I’m not leaving without you.”

“Yes, you are…” he says with a cocked brow.

My tears continue to fall as I shake my head. “I’m not.” I wipe them away angrily. “I love you,

Miles. God,” I breathe out. “You… you were who showed me how to love, Miles. Not because you gave it, but because you made me feel it.” I take his hand and press it against my chest. “This? You made it beat again. I love you.”

Miles smiles as a tear drops from his eye, landing in a perfect teardrop on my hand. He sniffs. “You’ll always be my puddin’, but you need to go back to Raze. He needs you now more than ever. Promise me you’ll take care of him.”

“No. I’m not leaving you.”


“No.” I shake my head and weep. “I’m never leaving you…”

The End For now…
