Page 76 of Professor Daddies

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“Sleep tight,” I whisper, smoothing back a strand of her hair.

There’s a silence, filled with the soft sound of Sierra’s breathing. I turn to Grayson, about to speak, but words aren’t necessary. His eyes hold a world of understanding.

I draw the blanket up to Sierra’s chin, the soft cotton whispering against her skin. Her breath evens out, the storm of alcohol-fueled emotions settling into a gentle ebb and flow. The room’s cool air brushes over us, a stark contrast to the warmth under the covers.

“Happy,” she slurs, the word a featherlight sigh, “you’re here.”

My heart clenches—a mix of protectiveness and affection. “Always,” I promise, a low murmur in the hush of the room.

Sierra’s smile flickers across her face, then fades as dreams take her. Her chest rises and falls, peaceful at last.

“Goodnight, Sierra,” I whisper, but she’s already miles away, lost in the quiet sea of sleep.



We reach my hotel room, and Grayson slides the key card from his pocket, the green light blinking in welcome.

“Wait, why do you have a key to this room?” I ask.

“Because it’s my room.”

As the door swings open, the sight of two large beds halts me mid-step.

“Wait, I’m sharing this room? With both you and Conrad?” I blurt out, my pulse quickening for reasons I can’t quite name.

Grayson leans in close, so close I can feel the warmth of his breath on my ear. He whispers, “I was hoping we could spend some time together.” His words send a shiver down my spine. “Just us…and Conrad.”

My heart flutters, a wild beat against my chest. I turn to look at him, his eyes gleaming with unsaid promises, the dim light of the room casting shadows across his chiseled jawline. Something stirs inside me, an awakening desire.

“Is that so?” I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper, the air charged with something new, something dangerous.

“Very much so,” he responds, his gaze never leaving mine. I swallow hard, aware of every point where our bodies nearly touch, aware of the tension building between us—a tension that speaks of unexplored territory and whispered wants.

The door swings closed behind us with a soft click, and my eyes adjust to the muted lighting of the hotel room. I see Conrad sprawled out on one of the beds, his attention fixed on an open book in his hands. His brow furrows in concentration, glints of silver in his blue eyes catching the light every time he looks up from the text.

“Whatcha reading?” I ask, curious despite the electric undercurrent of tension humming through the room.

Conrad looks up, a smile playing on his lips as he pats the space beside him. “Greek mythology,” he says. “Homer’s Odyssey. Ever read it?”

“Once, back in high school,” I reply, crossing the room to sit next to him. The scent of his cologne, a mix of wood and spice, wraps around me comfortingly. “It’s all about epic journeys and heroic deeds, right?”

“Exactly. It’s about the long journey home…and the adventures along the way.” His gaze locks with mine, something deeper than just words passing between us.

“Sounds like life,” I murmur, half to myself.

“Life is an odyssey, Brielle.” Conrad taps the page gently. “We’re all just trying to find our way.”

I nod, feeling the weight of his words settle over me. But the heat that’s been building since we entered the room becomes too much, and I push to my feet, needing a respite from the intensity.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I announce, already moving toward the bathroom.

“Take your time,” Grayson says, his voice low and smooth like velvet.

With each step, I feel their gazes on me, heavy and hot. The bathroom door creaks as I leave it slightly ajar, the steam from the hot water filling the space quickly. I strip down, my skin tingling, aware of the proximity of Grayson and Conrad, just beyond the door.

I step under the water, letting it cascade over my body, washing away the remnants of the day. A small sigh escapes my lips as the tension starts to unravel.
