Page 63 of The Garden Girls

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Swain held Ty’s gaze, then smirked. “I was born in Virginia and have family there. It’s not a crime to visit.”

“No, but it is a crime to murder women. Poor taste to paint them in Fire & Ice red.”

Swain laughed, but there was zero humor involved. “You think I’m a serial killer.”

“I think you’re slimy.”

Swain eyed the photos. “I see photos of me and women smiling without being coerced, and nothing indicates criminality. As far as Virginia, many men were in those vicinities besides me. And as for this Skipper. It’s his word against mine. Amy-Rose Rydell and Lily Hayes are dead, and according to him, Jenny Davis is dead. And as for Ahnah Hemmingway...she’s missing.” Swain had him by the throat, and he knew it. The sparkle behind his cool but menacing glint declared the fact.

“Why did you lie about knowing these women?” Violet asked.

“You seem like the smarter of the two here. Why do you think?”

“I think it doesn’t matter what I think.”

The corner of his lips quirked. “I like you. These women are dead or missing. I’m not an idiot.”

Ty would beg to differ.

Swain stood and straightened his tie. “Now, if you’re not charging me, you have to let me go. I’m done talking.”

Ty’s blood heated. “Don’t leave town, Mr. Swain. This isn’t over.”

Swain swaggered to the door. “Oh, I believe it is, Agent.” Ty’s phone chimed with a text to keep Swain in place. Asa and Owen were five minutes out.

“I have a few more questions. Two. That’s it.”

Swain sighed and folded his arms over his chest but refused to return to his seat.

What was going on? Asa must have something solid if he wanted Ty to keep him here.

“You need a drink or anything?” he said, stalling.


“Snack? Chips...a cookie? You look hungry.” He continued asking stupid questions and even offered to share a knock-knock joke to stall him. Finally, Violet had enough and paused the investigation by leaving the room.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Asa, Owen, Violet and Deputy Dorn stood in the hall. Dorn carried a laptop in hand. “Give me a minute.” Ty entered the hall, closing the door behind him.

“This thumb drive arrived at the beach house from a FedEx in Charlotte,” Asa said. “And a note that it’s Jenny Davis. We used our printing kit. Nothing. I’ll send it off to the lab in Quantico after we watch it.”

“You haven’t already?” Ty asked.

“No. We came straight here, and Dorn grabbed a laptop. You can’t stall that long believably.”

Ty elbowed Violet. “No need to reveal I was reduced to knock-knock jokes, Vi.”

Asa arched an eyebrow. “She didn’t. I just know you.” He shook his head. “Let’s watch this while we have him in custody and see what’s what.”

“The killer sent this, didn’t he?” Deputy Dorn asked.

“Most likely,” Asa said.

But how did the killer procure it, and what would Jenny Davis have to do with the current case? They entered a second interview room and put the laptop on the table. Dorn plugged the drive into the USB port and hit Play.

The team crowded around the laptop, with full view to the fantasy night unfolding. “I wonder if he films every party without the guests knowing. It’s obvious they have no idea the camera is there. They haven’t looked at it once.”

“I told you what he was,” Violet said.
