Page 39 of Baby for My Bosses

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“Baby?” Eli managed, looking mystified and more speechless than I’d ever seen him.

Their faces were all a frozen image of shock for an instant. When I nodded, the joy broke through, and they grinned all at once. Ty let out a whoop of excitement.

“You’re having our baby?” Drew said once he’d recovered. I nodded again, grinning so hard my cheeks hurt.

“Best present ever. She won Valentine’s Day,” Ty announced.

“That’s why you weren’t drinking!” Jake said.

“Well that and the fact that everything makes me want to puke right now,” I confessed.

“Okay, big greasy meal, not my best idea ever,” Eli said. “Can I get you ginger ale? Crackers?”

“Ginger ale would be great,” I admitted with relief. “I am so glad you’re all okay with this.”

“Okay? With the best news of my entire life?” Drew said incredulously. “There was no question of us being thrilled, Jas. You’re everything we’ve ever wanted, and a baby is just even more happiness. Thank you.”

“I wrote the letter. Did you read the letter?”

“The letter isn’t going to take this over the top, Ty,” Jake said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s the best letter ever written. Jasmine is pregnant with our child. That’s God tier-level gifting right there.”

I threw my arms around all four of them, just group hugging out of pure, bouncing up and down happiness.

“Thank you all,” I said, getting a little misty, “For giving me a home and a family of my own. I love you.”

I kissed them each in turn and let them touch my still-flat belly in wonder as we talked about our future, our baby to be, and everything we had to look forward to as a family of six.

The End
