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She touched his cheek. “Bryan is my brother, the other person in the photos. That’s who he kept talking about, other than me?”

“Oh wow, why didn’t I see it?”

“Would you love him any less had you known?”

“Of course not!”

“Good, now let’s concentrate on catching the ones who did this!”

Running a hand through his hair, he allowed the news that Nino was gay to sink in. Damn, he thought he knew everything about his brother, but Nino was full of surprises it seemed. So that meant that he’d been mistaken about Neeky, which meant she was fair game. He shook his head. Now wasn’t the time to chase after a woman. He should be concentrating on finding the murderers.

“Aren’t you going to change?” he said, in order to divert his attention away from carnal thoughts. “Let’s spar.”

“I don’t need to change to whip your ass.”

He closed the space between them once more. “Remember the deal. I win and you refer to me as my Lord.”

She laughed in his face. “Keep dreaming.”

They moved around each other like two cocks about to fight. “Trust me, you will call me Lord pretty soon.”

He was feeling cocky. Since he started to train again, all his martial arts training from previous years started returning to his memory. They tussled for a while then broke apart. Neo was surprised that Neeky could spar wearing her heels. Damn she was hot. He could look at her the way she was meant to be viewed now that he knew she wasn’t his brother’s girlfriend.

He couldn’t really call this a fight because he knew even with his training that she would easily best him. He just needed a way to win this round. They were near the far back wall and he made his move, grabbing her wrist and pinning it to the wall.

* * *

She’d followed him into the armory in the hopes they would do some sparring. Training with Neo was quite a treat, even though he didn’t know how to behave, she quite liked his enthusiasm and determination. She stood by the door and watched his muscles ripple whenever he swung the sword. Although the man hadn’t been training, he was still lean and toned. She admired the smooth plain of his chest and back, and the little hairs on his torso that tapered down and disappeared beneath his belt.

While she was a little soft for the brother of her friend, he also had a penchant for angering her. She regretted following him tonight, and further was disgusted about the way she’d looked at him a few minutes ago. Now he was challenging her and she was going to teach him a darn lesson. Bow to you my ass, she seethed inwardly.

Neeky grabbed the wrist that pinned one of her arms, twisted and pushed down. Neo nimbly grabbed the hand and peeled it away, flexing his wrist from the tension she had applied to it.

“If you think I’ll fall at your feet like your little Italian hussies, you’re mistaken,” she hissed, pushing him up against the wall and wedging an elbow into his collar bone.

Neo reached over and grabbed her shoulders, twisted her around until her back hit the wall. Using his body, he trapped her tightly against the wall, causing her to writhe against him. A thrilling sensation skedaddled through his body, causing his dick to jerk. He clamped a hand over her mouth and braced her firmly with his forearm.

“I guarantee you will eat those words … I tell you this, someday soon you will not only fall on your knees before me, but you will also choke on my cock. And when you do, you will swallow my jizz as though it was your sustenance.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Nino had warned her that he was as horny as the community ram goat, but she never expected him to express it to her. Not with how he’d treated her since she arrived. When he’d clamped her hand over his cock, she never made anything of it except he was on another of his ego trips.

Biting down on the soft pad of his palm, she clamped her teeth as hard as she could, not caring if she drew blood. Neo cried out but didn’t move. Tightening his jaw, he held his ground, pressing into her until she felt she couldn’t breathe.

He brought his face close until they were breathing the same air, that’s when he removed his hand and covered her mouth with his. She went limp allowing him to think she was into it. When he relaxed and tried to deepened the kiss, she brought her knee up sharply. Neo yelped and grabbed his crotch, doubling over on the floor.

“You try that again, and I’ll rip off your dick.”

Even as she stepped over him groaning on the floor, her lips tingled and her nipples pebbled. She couldn’t deny that she liked the way their bodies fit together, how his body heat seeped through her a while ago. But Neo was just a little boy, eight years younger than she was – even though they looked the same age. And he did have a nice sized dick!

Nevertheless, it would take more than him pinning her to the wall to get into her panties. She chuckled as she left the armory and headed back to the guest house. She was looking forward to see what he would do next.
