Page 75 of The Rival

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Of course, Fia chose that moment to come out onto the porch.

“I’m fine,” she said.

Fia frowned. “You’re soaking wet.”

“Yes, thanks, Fia. I did notice that,” she said dryly.

“What happened?” Rory asked again.

“I fell into the pond at Levi Granger’s.” And she tried to smile, and she tried to look like she wasn’t holding back some of the truth. “It was silly. And not a big deal. I am no worse for wear, just a little bit damp.”

“You fell into a pond,” said Fia, her eyes narrowed. “That is suspicious.”

“It isn’t suspicious. I was hot, so I leaned down to try and get some water, and I fell in. It was not a big deal, and that’s why I’m home early, because I am soaking wet.”

She was furious was what she was, and addled and perturbed, and any number of other things that she didn’t want to be, and yet.

But she didn’t want to talk to her sisters about it, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Rory would begin to romanticize it. Because Rory was like that.

Fia would get angry, and overly suspicious, and would likely go over there with a switchblade and no small amount of outrage, and she didn’t want that, either.

And she didn’t want to expose herself. All of these burning, confusing feelings were her burden, and her burden alone.

“What really happened?” Rory asked.

“Nothing,” said Quinn.

“I think you’re lying, Quinn. And I don’t often think you’re lying.”

“Fine. He dumped me in the water because I made him mad. I deserved it. I punched him. After he threw me in the water.”

Rory and Fia just stared at her. “He...threw you in the water,” Fia said.

At the same time, Rory said, “You punched him?”

“Yes. It’s fine. I’m going back over there tomorrow, as planned. Everything is patched up.”

“This not at all what we sent you over there for,” said Fia.

“I’m going to fix it,” said Quinn. “I’m going to end it. Tomorrow I’m going to actually go in and tackle his office.” She had decided it. Just then. Just right then. Because it seemed like the thing to do. Because it was time to stop messing around. Time to get an actual commitment out of him.

And she would prove to him that she belonged there. She would prove to him that she could help.

“I don’t know. I kind of want to go punch him in the face,” said Fia.

“I already hit him,” said Quinn. “Levi Granger is my problem, and I am going to solve him. I’m not worried about it. So don’t take on any worry for me.”

“Fine,” said Fia. “But if he manhandles you again, I am going to intervene. Okay?”

“Fine,” said Quinn. “You’re welcome to intervene then. But it’s not going to be a problem.”

She was going to get back to herself. To catching flies with honey, rather than vinegar. She was going to make this work.

And tomorrow she was going to show up, ready to do what she actually did well. And then he would be absolutely powerless against her. And one thing she was not going to do was think about how he looked without a shirt.

