Page 79 of The Rival

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What an awful thing. To realize she was both of their daughter.

Because she had still been certain that she had the upper hand with Levi and all she’d had to do was say the right combination of words, or just keep talking at him. She really had felt like he didn’t understand what she had to do was make him understand.

She’d been trying to manipulate him.

And it was like he had taken the whole script and flipped it. Just taken the world and turned it entirely upside down and shown her that she was actually the one who didn’t understand.

She was the one who hadn’t been listening. She was the one who needed to learn.

When he said that his land was part of him, he meant it. When he said that giving a piece of it would be costly, he was talking about something she hadn’t even understood.

She had been the one who had something to learn. She was just embarrassed.

She pulled back up to the ranch house, and went inside to find Fia and Rory sitting there with their morning coffee.

“What are you doing back?” Fia asked.

“I’m an asshole.”

“Well, that’s quite a declaration before seven a.m.,” she said.

“I just have to rethink all of this. I’m sorry. I might need to go back to the drawing board with the county or something. But I can’t keep pushing him. I just can’t.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

Quinn could still hear herself being stubborn, and suddenly she just hated the sound of her own voice.

She was just so obnoxious. How did anybody deal with her ever? She wanted to curl up in a ball, and on some level she was aware that this reaction was strong and weird, and may be related to the thing that she had said about her dad, which she had meant as a total joke, but she felt like maybe wasn’t.

She had meant to say something to put him off his guard and had ended up stabbing her own self.

She was just a fool. In every way Levi Granger had outmaneuvered her. She was defeated.

Really, Quinn? You experience a little bit of emotional turmoil and you’re defeated?

Maybe it was just surrender. Maybe that was a better word. Maybe that was fairer. She was ready to surrender.

Maybe she was running scared.

Because this made her back into childhood Quinn. The one who felt it all. She just didn’t like it. It hurt.

Maybe he was just too much for her.

She put her sweats on and got back into bed. She would come up with something else. She just needed to start the day over again.

Because there was just something about this, the impact it had on her, combined with the way she felt about him, and it...

It was for the best. She needed to be done with Levi Granger. She needed to be done with that endeavor.

She could figure this out. She was smart.

But she didn’t want to try to outmaneuver him. Not anymore.


HE SHOULD BE grateful that she had run off. He thought that multiple times over the course of the day, but right around lunchtime, it started to get harder to ignore the fact that he wasn’t grateful at all.
