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“Hang with us a bit,” Hornet boy said. He motioned to a red Coleman cooler jutting out of the weeds. “Got a cooler of cold brews over there. Let’s get to know one another, people.”

“Lead the way, Harder,” she said, tugging on my arm to join them as we headed toward the cooler.

Harder slid his hand into Marla’s while she held mine, and Bodie grabbed my other as we walked across the sand. I felt like a participant in an upcoming free-love Woodstock sequel.

“You’re hot as fuck, Cole,” Bodie said, leaning into my ear. “I’m callin’ dibs on you.”

He squeezed my hand tighter and pulled me along as I stared out at the surf, wondering where the surfer I actually came down to see was at.

“Chad coming back to shore?” I asked as Bodie pulled me down beside him.

“Who knows? Him and Rat are paddling out further for the bigger ones,” he replied. “You don’t need those two anyway, because you have my full attention now.”

Marla laughed at my nervousness. I’d come down to the beach feeling insecure and too old to be relatable, yet an incredibly hot surfer, possibly half my age, was throwing himself at me.

“See?” Marla asked, reaching for the bottle of wine I set in the sand. “You is hot, Mr. Hicks.”

“I was hoping to see Chad,” I said. “At least say hi.”

“Don’t waste your time, dude,” Bodie inserted, making a sour face. “Our Chad is not interested in random dudes. Trust me, I’ve been hitting on him all summer and not a damn thing has happened.”

“Maybe cuz you ain’t his type, Bodie,” Harder quipped. “He likes ‘em older.”

Bodie grabbed my arm and yanked me into him, nearly knocking my wineglass out of my hand. “Well, this one’s mine,” he insisted.

I’d had majorly hot fantasies, many times, along with steamy jack-off sessions, dreaming about some sexy-as-fuck surfer boy seducing me and having steamy sex with me, and now I was living the fantasy and trying to figure out how to bow out graciously.

“Easy, boy,” Marla piped up, waving her finger at Bodie. “Our Mr. Hicks is a gentleman.”

Bodie snorted and grinned like a devil who’d just taken a new soul. “He won’t be when I’m finished with him.”

Bodie started laughing and roughhousing with me, pulling me on top of him and nuzzling my neck aggressively. I was fascinated by his youthful and lean aggression, his wiry body trying to wrap me up in some kind of feverish attempt at satisfaction, but this was in public, with other eyes.

I managed to unwrap myself from what felt like a thousand limbs manipulating and dry-humping me. As soon as I rolled over and onto my back, I found Chad standing on the shore, staring at us.


Cole must have thought I’d be upset or surprised that Bodie was on him like white on rice because he startled and pushed one of Bodie’s hands away when he noticed me. I wasn’t. Why would I be? Cole was a stud and Bodie was sex on a stick. The two of them looked terrific together.

“I see you’ve met the other Mr. Hicks,” I said to Bodie, who by now was possessively leaning into Cole.

“Fuck, bro,” he began, grinning at Cole and then turning to me. “You said he was fine, but this is stupid, man.”

Cole looked confused by the word stupid being used to describe him. “He thinks you’re stupidly hot, Mr. Hicks. It’s a good thing,” I said.

Bodie placed the back of his arm across Cole’s chest like he was keeping him safe. “I’ve already called dibs, Chad. You know, just in case you was wantin’ a piece of this,” he declared.

“Gotcha!” I said, flashing a thumbs-up in his direction. “My loss then,” I added, smiling at a very uncomfortable Mr. Hicks.

Cole managed to wrestle enough hands away to get to his feet. “I’m not up for dibs for anyone,” he stated, looking around nervously and stepping away from Bodie. “I barely know any of you,” he added.

Marla started laughing at him. “Calm down, Cole,” she said. She came to his side and put her hand on the small of his back. “Be nice, boys. Our Mr. Hicks has been out of the socializing loop for a bit too long. He’ll need more delicate handling than any of you sitting directly on his face.”

“Oh my fucking God… Marla!” Cole groused. “I can speak for myself.”

“Good!” yelled Bodie, jumping to his feet. “Because I would like to sit on your face.”

“I have to go,” Cole said, backing away. “I… I… there’s stuff I need to do,” he stammered.
