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Both of Chad’s parents were in shock when I showed up on their doorstep with a practically catatonic Chad. Rat had delivered him to my house, but I quickly redirected us to theirs. I knew Chad to be a very docile and loving young man from everything I’d been told and from my own experience of getting to know him, so the unveiling of the story of his outburst was unsettling, to say the least.

The fact that his ex, Clint, had shown up at their house after me, Rat, and Chad had, only added to my concern. Alex was unsure what to do with Clint, having only limited knowledge of what had transpired. And the limited information had been relayed to all of us via Rat, who had only witnessed the tail end of their interaction.

I’d been reading on the back deck when I heard a car tearing up the drive that came to a gravel-spitting stop in the front drive. Rat banged on the front door of my house until I answered and then led me to his car, where I found Chad in some sort of state of shock.

“Chad went nuts,” he’d said. “He was all over Clint. There was a fight. He lost his fucking mind, dude.”

“Chad,” I’d said, tapping his shoulder as he sat in the front seat, staring into space. “Do you hear me?”

Rat had obviously been quite affected by the scene. “You gotta do something, Cole.”

“I’m fine,” Chad had mumbled. “Take me to Mom and Dad’s.”

“What happened to you?” I’d inquired, squatting outside the car door.

Chad seemed like he was stuck in the middle of a bad dream. “He came back like nothing’s wrong. He wants me back. Told me we’re building a house. My food truck and…”

Chad closed his eyes and stopped speaking. I stood and glanced toward Rat, who was nodding like what I was witnessing confirmed his story. “See?” he asked. “He’s lost it, man.”

“I’ll go with you, Rat,” I said, wondering what had happened, needing some context to what Clint had done or said that would cause such a reaction from Chad.

So that’s what Rat and I did, showing up at their house and walking Chad indoors. He wouldn’t speak to anyone and acted like he was shut off from the outside world. I left it to Rat to explain what he knew, while Maggie and Alex called the neighbor, a good friend, and physician, who came over immediately to assess Chad.

The doctor, with limited information from Rat, some background history on Clint and Chad, and input from Alex and Maggie, pieced together that Chad must be in a state of shock from the appearance of Clint. Also suggesting that because Chad had reacted so out of character that he may be stunned from his own uncharacteristic behavior.

Other than that, he did a cursory examination of Chad, who could answer basic questions, and the doctor concluded that Chad would be fine to rest there. If there were further issues, he advised a visit to the hospital.

Chad had been sleeping in his bedroom ever since the neighboring doctor left. In the meantime, Clint had appeared at their house and was obviously concerned about Chad as well. He refused to leave, so Alex made him go to the guest house where Chad had been staying until Chad woke up or calmed down.

“What do we do when Chad finds out Clint is here?” Alex asked, still pacing the bedroom. “He could overreact again, Maggie.”

“We won’t tell him until we know how he’s feeling,” she replied. “Can you stay until then, Cole?” she asked, turning to me. “I think you’ll be a calming force when he wakes.”

“Of course,” I answered, wondering the same thing as Alex. How would Chad react when he found Clint was on the property?

I knew very little about Chad and Clint’s history. I’d been told that they’d only been together about a year and that Clint had decided he couldn’t live a gay lifestyle. Chad had never said a bad word about Clint, nor did he blame their failed relationship on him. In typical Chad fashion, he had nothing but kind things to say about Clint and wished him all the best.

“What could have set this off?” I asked, raising my eyes toward Maggie from where I’d been watching Chad’s calm breathing.

“No idea, Cole. Chad is anti-violence, and this is way out of character for him. I’m as shocked as anyone.”

“Maybe Chad told Clint he was seeing you now,” Alex suggested, looking between me and Maggie for confirmation of his thoughts. “Clint got upset, and they fought.”

“But Rat told me that Chad was attacking Clint when him and Bodie came running out of the food truck,” I said.

“Have you seen Clint?” Alex asked, lowering his voice. “Chad? Attack Clint?”

Actually, I hadn’t seen Clint. Maggie and Alex escorted him to the guest house while I stayed with Chad. “Why?” I asked. “What about Clint?”

“He’s huge,” Alex stated. “A brick wall. A body builder. He’s a goddamned house,” he added.

“He gets it, Alex,” Maggie interrupted. She glanced at me. “He’s a big puppy dog too, Cole. There is no doubt in my mind that the Clint I know would never hurt Chad physically,” she defended. “But break his heart? Sure. Maybe.”

All the information I was hearing concerning Clint, the fight, Clint’s apparent physical stature, and Chad’s broken heart, had me concerned. Maybe being there wasn’t a smart decision on my part. Not so much for my safety, because I would protect Chad with my life, but more about me adding more drama that this situation did not need.

“Can you tell me exactly what happened with Clint and Chad?” I asked, looking from Maggie to Alex. “I mean, if you can.”

Maggie frowned slightly while Alex waited for her to make the decision. “What has he shared with you?” she asked.
