Page 133 of Teddy

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“My taste in maple syrup is fine, my little potato.”

I bark a laugh. “My life with you is going to be interesting, isn’t it?”

“Are you saying it’s not already?” he asks.

“No, it definitely is,” I reply, lifting my head so I can see his face. It’s such a good face. Soft brown eyes. Warm smile. My lovely Teddy. “I mean, look at all this.” I wave a hand around the rooftop for emphasis. “It’s wonderful. I just mean… The life I have with you feels right.”

“Yeah?” he says softly. The song in the video has ended, but Teddy keeps his hand in mine, moving us to a silent beat.

“Yeah,” I answer seriously. “Teddy, you’ve never once tried to change me. We both know I’m a bit of a chaotic mess, and honestly, I don’t think I could be different even if I tried. But no matter what I say or do, you just smile and kiss me sweetly. You embrace me, and yet you keep me grounded, too. There aren’t enough ways to say thank you for that.”

Teddy tucks his face against mine, our cheeks brushing together. “Your thanks is in the way you love me, Kipp.”

“God, Teddy.” I blow out a breath, chest oh so tight.

“Will you promise me something?” he asks.


“Don’t ever stop being yourself,” he says softly, leaning back and turning us in another slow circle. “That’s the man I fell in love with. He’s the one I want. You. Just you, Kipp. Every single piece of you.”

And what do I possibly say to that?

“I promise,” I answer.

Teddy’s lips twist into the gentle smile I know so well. And as the sky sinks into night and the Teddy and Kipp of three years ago toast to many years together, I hold my husband in my arms, knowing there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. And no one else I’d rather be with.

My hubby? Yeah. Turns out he’s the one. The absolute love of my life.

How freaking lucky am I?

The End
