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But I had no library card. And no money to pay to use them. Even if I knew what to look for.

I was reaching to pick up a puzzle piece that flew off the table when a movement out of the windows had my heart fluttering in my chest.

A flash of a gray suit.

My mind immediately filled in the blanks.

An intolerably handsome face, amazing lashes, and warm brown eyes.

Aurelio Grassi.

It wasn’t him, of course, I noticed as I saw the cane moving next to his leg.

But suddenly, I had an idea.

I could go to him.

Aurelio Grassi.

The man with the kind eyes.

The one who’d tried to save me once.

Surely, he would do so again?

Especially after I warned him of the impending danger with Warren?

I wouldn’t ask for much. A place to rest and think for an hour or two. Something to feed Judah. Then maybe a ride out of town.

To where? I didn’t know.

But I needed to break this problem down into steps. And then tackle only one at a time.

The first step, of course, was to find Aurelio Grassi.

I could use the computers to do that.

Bringing Judah with me, I made a pass by the computers, seeing the frozen screen on the unused ones, asking for your library card number. That was all I needed. A number.

Surely, I could find one of those.

I jiggled Judah, trying to distract him from his grumbling tummy, as, finally, I saw it.

A card sitting on a table next to someone’s notebook and scattered assortment of pens.

I didn’t stop to second-guess myself.

I ripped off a piece of that notebook paper off and quickly jotted down the number before walking right up to a computer, Judah facing me so he didn’t mess with the keys, and plugged in the card information.

The screen opened.

And I had access to the internet.

It was surprisingly, almost alarmingly, easy to find someone’s—anyone’s—address online.

All you needed, really, was a name and a town.

I tried a few local towns before I remembered the docks, then looked them up.
