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“Yeah,” I said, patting his shoulder, and leading him further away from everyone else.

“Shit. That good, huh?”

“Someone showed up on my doorstep today, asking for help.”

“Okay. Who?”

“Claire and her son, Judah. She’s the mother of Warren’s son.”

“The woman in the car with the cuffs?” he asked, immediately putting shit together. It was what made him such a good leader.



“Yeah,” I agreed.

“What did she want?”

“Mostly, someone to get her off the street, and get her baby something to eat. I didn’t have a lot of time to ask her a ton of questions. But it’s clear that she’d been Warren’s prisoner. And that he would do… anything to get his son back.”

“Fuck. Alright. I am going to need to know more about how she got away, if there’s anyone who could have known where she was going.”

“I will get that information tonight,” I agreed.

“She alright?”

“She didn’t even have shoes on,” I told him. “Feet are all cut to shit. And she’s… wound up. Scared. Emotional. But… she’s alright. She’d do anything for her kid.”

“How old is… Judah, you said?”

“Yeah. Um… one and a half, two? Somewhere around there. Small still. She carried him for over two hours to get to my place.”

“A mother would walk two hours over cut glass and burning coals to get their kid safe,” Luca said.

“True,” I agreed. She sure as hell seemed like a fighter.

“Does she have a family? Somewhere to go? A plan?”

“No. She has no one, she said. I’m sure she’s trying to figure out a plan. But she showed up with nothing. No purse, money, IDs…”

To that, Luca nodded.

“You’re good with her there? I could ask one of the moms to—“

“No,” I cut him off. “I would rather they stay with me. I know I can keep them safe.”

“Okay. That’s fine by me. For the time being, while shit is… unstable, I think it might be best to keep this between just who really needs to know. You can tell your brothers. I guess Smush will find out eventually too. But don’t go letting everyone know.”

“You worried about our crew?” I asked.

“No. Maybe,” he admitted. “I want to think we’re rock-solid. But we’re vulnerable right now. And I just want to be careful until shit blows over.”

“Yeah. I get that. I don’t really need to tell anyone. We already discussed how it was for the best that she not go out of the house for a while, since Warren will have men out looking for them.”

“Good. Good. Alright. Keep me up to date on this,” he said, his phone pinging several times in a row.

Always something going on for the boss, it seemed.
