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“What?” I snap, but my tone doesn’t deter her.

“You like them, and they like you,” she says in a singsong voice.

I feel my cheeks get redder. “This is stupid,” I mutter, purposely not looking at her as I finish up the Valentine’s Day boxes.

“Wait, they’re coming over on Sunday? That’s Valentine’s Day!” she says.

I groan. “Devyn, I swear to God—”

“I knew you were going to get yourself some hot detectives!” she continues.

I slam a box down and lean my elbows on the counter, sighing. “It’s not about that,” I mutter. “It’s about April. It needs to be about April.”

I’m not sure if I’m reminding myself or Devyn.

“I’ve been selfish,” I say softly, meeting her entertained eyes. “I haven’t been thinking about her as much. It’s like…I have this stupid crush, and I’m distracted. And I feel horrible because of it.”

Devyn’s grin fades. “You’re being human,” she assures me. “Beating yourself up because you’re getting along with them isn’t a bad thing. April would agree with me.”

“I’m doing more than getting along with them,” I mutter to the counter, ashamed to look at her.

I expect an excited squeal or some type of celebration, but Devyn surprises me. “Good,” she says simply. “You needed it.”

I look back up at her. “Huh?”

“You weren’t eating or sleeping. You only drank coffee and never smiled. Now, you have some color to your cheeks, and occasionally you laugh. You’re still not one hundred percent, but you’re functioning like the Skylar I met before all of this. Maybe even better, now that you’re getting out of your dry spell.”

I snort. “I should never have told you that.”

“You’re doing everything you can for April,” Devyn continues gently. “You’re doing more than most people. That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice being a complete person.”

I hate that she’s right.

The corner of my lip quirks up. “What would I do without you?” I murmur. “You’re smarter than I was at nineteen.”

Then another cramp hits, and I lean over the counter, exhaling sharply.

“You would still be working and not have someone order you to go home,” she says, playfully pulling on my bun. “This place is like a well-oiled machine. I’ll have it running for you while you’re gone.”

I groan. “I’ve been back for less than a week. I shouldn’t just leave.”

“And we’ll be fine without you,” Devyn insists. “Get your Heat sorted, rest, and enjoy Valentine’s Day.”

“Okay, well what about the special flavors for the charity boxes for April—”

“I have it handled. Go back home and prepare for your monster of a Heat.”

I don’t even argue with her. Devyn has kept the place running since I’ve been gone, and the rest of the staff is great.

I wonder if I have the authority to promote her to assistant manager. She has my store keys already, and she knows how to do everything.

And she’s a great friend.

I mull it over as I make my way back to my car, doing my best not to freak out about Sunday.

It will be fine.

I can handle both River and Landon at the same time, right?
