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I nod.

The bed dips with her weight, and I stare at the threads in the blankets.

“Did Devyn already tell you that you’ll need to give a statement soon?” she asks quietly, her voice laced with sadness.

I swallow. “Yeah,” I whisper.

She sighs. “I’m so sorry, honey,” she says, taking my hand. “I’m sorry for what you’ve been through.” Her voice breaks, and I turn to look at her.

She’s too kind to me. Her own daughter is missing, but she still sheds tears for me.

I shake my head. “No, I’m sorry,” I counter. “I’m sorry you have to endure all this. And April?—”

“If you apologize one more time, Skylar, I’m going to tape your mouth shut,” she says, giving me a sad smile. “You have been through hell in the past month. Focus on healing and nothing else. Take care of Skylar. That’s what will help me, sweetheart. As long as one of my babies is safe.”

I don’t even realize I’m crying until Tammy pulls me into a hug. She holds me as I weep into her shoulder, her hand rubbing soothing circles across my back.

I’m almost thirty years old, but I cry in her embrace like a child.

“We’ll get through this,” she promises me. “We will.”

I nod.

“And look.” she adds gently, “Do you see how many people care about you? You have a good friend that’s staying here, you have three handsome men that have burned the earth down looking for you?—”

I choke out a laugh. “I don’t even know where we stand,” I sniffle into her shoulder. “I kicked them out the last time they were here. I said some awful things to them.”

She strokes my hair. “So? You’re human. It happens.”

“And that’s their job,” I argue weakly. “They find people. They were just doing their job,” I insist.

“Hmm. Was it also their job to do all this?” Tammy lifts her hand to gesture around the room. “They created a safe space for you to come back to. Last time I checked, that’s not what detectives do.”

I don’t answer.

“And I heard that one of those men came out of retirement for you,” she says knowingly. “Does that seem normal to you?”


“No,” I mumble in defeat. “It doesn’t.”

“What about keeping watch outside your house?” she continues.

I lift my head from her shoulder. “What?” I sniffle.

“I told you earlier. You have security now,” she says, wiping a tear from my face. “Those Alphas won’t leave your side, Skye. They’re taking turns watching over you. I think River’s shift is tonight.”

My mouth falls open. “What?”

“Yes.” Tammy’s face lights up at my expression. “People want to take care of you, honey. Let them for once.”

“What do you mean, his shift is tonight?” I repeat dumbly.

She looks at her watch. “He should be here any second,” she says, smiling.

River’s coming. He will be here.

“I…so…do you like him?” I ask, unsure of her response, but desperate for her approval.
