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“Skylar.” Vincent’s low voice snaps me out of my stupor, and I exhale a shaky breath. “Look at me.”

I don’t know when the others left, but it’s just Vincent and me. Ben is gone, along with Landon and River, the door to the room left open.

Vincent kneels down to my height as I turn to him in my chair. “It’s done,” he promises me, his eyes full of concern. “It’s over.”

I can’t breathe. My hands shake in my lap, and he covers them with his own. “You never have to go back there,” he murmurs. “You never have to speak of this again, if you don’t want to.”

I look down at where our hands are touching, breathing in his warm, rich scent.

The room is cold. Goosebumps form on my arms, and my teeth chatter as I shiver.

I never have to go back there. But April is still there, waiting to be rescued.

“I should have done this sooner,” I whisper. “I shouldn’t have been spending my days in bed, or having you--”

Vincent’s eyes harden. “Do not blame yourself,” he growls. “You’re still healing. You’re still recovering from a month of pure hell. Do not take responsibility for what that piece of shit did.”

I try to pull my hands out of his grasp. “I could have done this sooner. I should have raised more money.” I choke out a sob as emotions flood through me. “I didn’t do enough while she was still here. Maybe if I had, she?—”

Vincent grips my hands tightly. “You are not responsible for this,” he says lowly.

But the regrets swarm my mind.

I could have sold more cookies. I could have been knocking on doors, going house to house, and telling every person I could about April.

I didn’t need to spend my days getting my brains fucked out while my best friend was missing.

The tears don’t stop. It’s like a dam has burst, and every single devastating thought only makes me sob harder.

Strong arms and a rich, warm scent wrap around me.

I weep into Vincent’s chest until my throat is sore, and my head pounds from sorrow.

I cry until there are no more tears.

When we finally emerge from the building, River and Landon are chatting near Landon’s car. River scowls at Vincent before turning to me and noticing my red face and puffy eyes.

“What did you say to her, prick?” he snaps.

I feel Vincent stiffen next to me as a growl rises in his throat. “Watch what you say, Cain,” he warns.

Landon looks between the three of us, sighing and running a hand through his hair. “Would you like a ride home, Skylar?” he asks. “So we can avoid this inevitable argument?”

I see a potential future with all three of them.

I don’t want arguments. I don’t want them constantly fighting with each other.

River turns his attention to Landon, opening his mouth to protest, but I interrupt before he can.

“No,” I say firmly, and Landon frowns, confused. Then, I turn back to Vincent. “I’m not ready to go home,” I say quietly. “There’s one place I want to stop.”

His expression softens. “Anywhere,” he promises.

I hold his gaze. “Take me to the café. Just you.”

He looks taken aback, but nods.

River looks affronted at my request, while Landon watches me curiously.
