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“You never gave up on April. And instead of wallowing in self-pity after what happened, like I did, you’re here now, having coffee with me. You’re surviving. You gave your statement to help others. It’s—admirable. And it’s easy to see why Landon and River fell so hard for you.”

Her face flushes, and I’m tempted to tell her the depth of my feelings as well.

But I can sense how exhausted she is, and I need to get her home.

“I need you to try with River,” she says softly. “I want to have you guys in the same room for once without it going up in flames. Please.”

I nod. “It’s done.”

The answering smile she gives me knocks the air from my lungs.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I whisper. “Do you have any idea at all what you do to me?”

“I have some idea now,” she murmurs. “After last night.”

The memories from yesterday are fresh in my mind. I’m sure they’ll be permanently burned into my brain.

The way she took Landon’s cock in her mouth. The sounds she makes as she orgasms. Her scent that fills the room.

I smirk, and she chuckles. “I do have a question, though,” she says, looking around before she leans in closer at the table. “You didn’t touch me at all last night. Did you not want to?” There’s a note of insecurity in her tone, and I let out a low growl.

“It’s all I wanted,” I promise her. “All I wanted was to touch and taste you and get that pretty cunt under my fingers and mouth.”

Her eyes widen in surprise.

“Then why didn’t you?” she asks, her gaze darkening. Her scent grows from subtle to dangerously sweet, and my cock twitches in my pants.

I almost don’t want to tell her. But she deserves my honesty after everything.

“Because I wasn’t sure if you’d regret it later,” I say. “And it wasn’t just me and you. I wanted the first time I touched you to be when I had you alone. So, I could show you what I intend to do to you when we have unlimited time.”

Her face flushes. “I knew what I was doing, though,” she counters. “Even though I have suppressant withdrawal, everything I’ve chosen to do with you three has been of my own volition. I wouldn’t have regretted it. I wanted you there, in that room. I wanted more with you.”

A weight in my chest lifts. “I know that now,” I tell her. “But I wasn’t going to risk you wanting to take back what we did.”

She shifts in her seat and bites her lip. “I wouldn’t, Vincent,” she says softly. “I want you. I want you as part of my pack.”

My heart stutters in my chest, and I almost throw her over my shoulders and carry her out of the café.

“You don’t know what you’re asking for,” I say solemnly.

I’m still a mess. Guilt still consumes me every waking moment. I still see Lauren’s face at night and hear the sobs her mother made when we told her the news.

She raises an eyebrow. “Don’t I? After everything I’ve been through, I’m more than aware of what I want. And I want the three of you. I want you with me during my next Heat, and the ones after that.”

Maybe I’m hallucinating. I knew she was attracted to me, but I never thought she would ask for something so permanent.

I want to argue with her and tell her she could do so much better.

Hell, she could also do better than Landon or River, but here she is, wanting all of us.

“I’m too selfish to tell you no,” I admit.

Her lip quirks. “Good,” she says. “Because I’m learning to ask for what I want. And being told yes encourages me to keep doing it.”

I chuckle until it turns into a full out laugh. “Well, then I’ll be happy to tell you yes often.”

I haven’t smiled like this in a long time. I haven’t even bothered to feel anything in years.

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