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As Valor took his comms unit—undoubtedly informing our Gamma and his superior Enforcer, Alaric, of our Omega—I turned to Brielle.

“Are you all right?”

“Fine,” she said, keeping her eyes forward.

She wasn’t, but I wouldn’t push her. Even with her mental walls in place, I felt whispers of her rage, disappointment, and anxiety.

Echoes of failure thrummed down our bond.

Failure? Why?

The question was a plague, a disease that needed to be dug out and cleansed. I suspected it was the key to understanding our mate and earning her trust.

I took Brielle’s hand in mine. Her eyes widened in surprise at the contact as I stared into her beautiful golden eyes. “You’ll be safe with us. You’ll be safe in Hidden Creek.”

It was a promise I intended to keep.

Chapter 9


Something had to be wrong with me. Why else would I want to reach for Korren or believe the truth in his words?

You’ll be safe with us. You’ll be safe in Hidden Creek.

Goddess, if I didn’t want to believe him.

When was the last time I believed anyone?

The last time I knew I was safe?

They are our mates. If they were lying, we would feel it, my wolf said, hinting at my obvious resistance to the bond.

The mate bond acted as a bridge, with several paths linking all the parties together. It gave us access to each other’s emotions and thoughts, and occasionally allowed us to feel those emotions as if they were our own. It called us back to each other. I would always be able to find my mates as long as the bond was strong. However, partners could also hide from their mates by erecting mental walls. They couldn’t completely hide their whereabouts, but they could block their feelings, making it more difficult to find each other.

The problem was that I didn’t want to lower my walls. Bonds were a two-way street, and if I felt their emotions, they could feel mine. That would lead to questions—questions I couldn’t answer.

Not if I wanted to keep Blythe safe.

A large, strong hand appeared in front of me. “Let’s go.”

I didn’t have to look up to know it was Valor. His rumbling tenor and familiar scent of fresh mint, orange blossom, and spiced vanilla were already ingrained in my bones. My body heated from the memory of his thick, honed muscles contracting beneath me as he carried me back to the facility.

A wave of lust budded my nipples, and he let out a low, knowing growl.

My eyes snapped to his hazel ones, and his nostrils flared.

“Take my hand, sweetling. We’ll make you more comfortable in the car.”

My face burned with thoughts of what that comfort would entail. I gave him my hand, and he guided me out of one prison and toward another.

Korren joined us, his patchouli, amber, and black pepper scent wrapping around me and complimenting the sweetness of Valor’s. Korren was the smallest of the males, but he was still a good four inches taller than me. Where Valor was broad, with bulky, developed muscles, Korren was lean and sinewy. A tattoo trailed from the center of his chest to the base of his throat, the bold black design a seductive contrast to his smooth ivory skin. His inky hair brushed his thick, straight brows, and his wide mouth was impossibly soft. He was so beautiful that it was hard not to blush when his ocean eyes collided with mine.

A large black Jeep with blacked-out windows waited in front of the facility. Ezra opened the back door for me, and ginger, sage, and suede cascaded over my senses. Stoic and steady, Ezra was an inescapable presence. His size was intimidating, but his quiet confidence and sharp tongue were equally impressive. And those eyes . . . oh Goddess, those eyes were like embers and ice. They pulled me apart section by section until I was raw and bare before him.

I was burning before, but now I was a puddle.

Slick trickled down my thighs, and the memory of Ezra’s girthy cock made my mouth water.
