Page 19 of Rocky

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A minute later her voice sounded. “Yeah?”

My shoulders relaxed and I twisted the knob, pushing the door open to step inside, and I froze like a goddamn deer caught in the headlights. I was met with Peyton in a tiny pair of black panties that rested low on her hips and a tank top that barely covered her tits. I couldn’t take my eyes off her and I felt my body start to respond.

“Seriously?” Peyton growled and rolled her eyes. “It’s hot and I’m in my temporary room. What’s your problem?”

I want you and I can’t fucking have you. “No problem,” I said instead. The woman was walking, talking temptation and I had to resist her.

“Good,” she snarked back. “I need to go to the sheriff’s office today. I got a message from the detective that I have to come in to make a formal statement.”

“I’ll take you.”

“No.” She held up both hands. “I just need a key so I can get back inside. That’s all.”

“Peyton,” I said with all the patience I could muster, as I leaned my shoulder against the door frame and did everything in my power not to look below her collarbone. “You came to me for help, and that means I’m keeping you safe. Period. Get dressed and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

She glared at me and shook her head. “I hardly think I’ll need protection at the police station.”

“You still have to get there and back on your own.”

“I’ll be in my car.”

“Oh, and murderers don’t also have cars?” I crossed my arms and stared her down. “They’re not capable of running you off the road, or jumping you in the parking lot?”

She opened her mouth again, probably another objection, and I arched a brow. “And you said you would listen to me and do what I said. Remember?”

Peyton rolled her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. “Fine. I’ll be down soon.”

An hour later she stood beside my bike with her arms crossed. “This is what we’re taking? To the police station?”

I laughed and nodded. “I’m a biker, sweetheart. Did you expect a Volvo? Wear this and hop on.” I handed her a spare helmet and waited for complaints about her hair, but she tugged it on and fastened the chinstrap like a pro. “Tuck as much of your hair as you can into the helmet so it doesn’t show, it’s a pretty distinct color.”

She sighed and did as she was told, and I nodded in satisfaction. The face shield was tinted, and both the spare helmet I gave her and my own covered the full face. So once she tucked her hair away, she was unrecognizable.

“Hang on tight,” I told her as I swung a leg over my seat and waited for her to wriggle on behind me.

Her hands gripped my sides. Her touch was torture, but I welcomed it because it was the only way I could have her touch. It didn’t last long enough, though. Only the less than ten minutes it took to get to the sheriff’s office.

I pulled up at the back side of the station, stopping nearly half a block away. Peyton hopped off the bike like she’d was born on the back of one and handed me her helmet. “You’re not coming in?”

I shook my head. “No. I’m going to park around the corner.”

Her full lips curled into a knowing smile. “Afraid of the police?”

“Hardly,” I tried for a growl but the smile I fought won the battle. “But right now, the one thing we have going for us is that no one knows where you are or who you’re with. There’s no reason for anyone to draw a connection from me to you, which is better for you.”

Her big blue eyes widened as the reality settled on her delicate shoulders once again. “Right.”

I wanted to yank that fear from her eyes, but I couldn’t. I would keep her safe, but I couldn’t do more. “Don’t worry, Peyton. Sheriff Cross is a friend of sorts. I’ve told him that I’m protecting you. But only him, do you understand? That information doesn’t extend to the other cops, and it’s best to keep it that way. There’s no need to mention me to the detectives, just in case.”

Her fear amplified. “Just in case of what? You think they might be dirty?”

I shrugged. There was no need to scare her further. “Just be careful who you give the important details to. Let them know what they need to know to find the murderer and clear you as a suspect. Don’t give away anything they don’t ask for. Got it?”

Peyton licked her lips and nodded absently, the fear darkening her blue eyes to the color of the midnight sky. “Yeah. Got it. Thanks,” she said, and walked off with her head held high, and on a swivel.

My gaze stayed fixed on the sway of her hips as she walked away, staying on her until she walked up the cement steps of the cop shop and disappeared behind the glass door. I hated the distance between us more than I hated not being able to touch her, to taste her. To fuck her the way I wanted to and when I wanted to.

I shouldn’t have fucked her. If I hadn’t, then I wouldn’t be reliving the night in my mind over and over, replaying the highlights until my cock was raw and aching, and still greedy for Peyton.
