Page 54 of Rocky

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I stood first and slapped my palms together. “Where are we going?”

“Slate found the Red Skulls and they’re still in town, holed up at the Sunset Inn on the old strip.”

I frowned. “Shouldn’t they have fucked off safe and sound back on their own turf by now, after what they did? Do they seriously not expect us to retaliate?”

Diesel grinned. “That’s what we’re going to find out. Strap up and be prepared to kick some ass.” It was the first bit of happiness he’d shown in weeks, aside from when he was with Ellie and Leo. The light was back, that fire that said the MC really needed a fucking win and today we would get it.

We hopped on our bikes and rode in a diamond formation towards where the old Vegas strip used to be full of life and people. It wasn’t a complete ghost town these days, but it also wasn’t where the action was anymore.

Sunset Inn was a shitty hole in the wall motel, and judging by the foot traffic, there were also rooms rented by the hour. Hookers milled around, trying to entice men to get their dicks wet for a cheap rate. Dealers loitered just outside the motel grounds, eyeballing us and our bikes as we rolled into the parking lot. We spotted seven bikes at the rear of the building, which told us fuck all about which rooms they’d rented.

“Maverick, go sweet talk the clerk into giving up a room number,” Diesel called out.

“A key would be better,” I added.

“And if the clerk is a dude?” His blue eyes sparkled with amusement.

“Bat those long lashes even harder?” I laughed when Maverick flipped me off as he headed to the front door. This area of the lot was empty, likely purposefully so, and loud music sounded from the second floor. “Wanna check it out?”

Diesel nodded. “Stay here,” he ordered Hawk. “In case any of these fuckers try to make a run for it.”

Hawk smiled wide and cracked his knuckles. “Give me a fucking reason.”

I followed Diesel up the cement stairs, the music growing louder and louder until it was just a loud thumping sound, and we stepped between two rooms.

Diesel motioned for me to peek inside one window while he looked inside the other. “Music is on, but this room is empty.” Anger radiated off his broad shoulders.

“They’re all in here with booze and drugs. And girls.” My hands flexed into fists as I got a clearer look at the girls.

“What did I miss?” Maverick appeared behind us, smiling when Diesel and I aimed our guns at him.

“Nothing much, yet,” Diesel said. “Party.”

“With young girls. Jailbait young,” I clarified.

“Oh, fuck that.” Maverick turned towards that door, one hand reaching for the gun at his hip. “We’re going in, right? I got the key.” He held up a keycard.

“Nice work.” I plucked the card from Maverick’s hand. “Whose dick did you have to suck?”

He rolled his eyes. “Your mom’s.”


“Shut the fuck up, ladies,” Diesel murmured as he stood back, gun at the ready.

“I’m going in first.” I slipped the card quietly into the slot, knowing they couldn’t hear shit over the loud music and laughter. I yanked the card out and kicked the door open like a crazy motherfucker, gun held deceptively lazily in my hand. “What the fuck do we have here?” I smiled as seven sets of pissed off biker eyeballs lasered in on me, and I waved my gun casually as I gestured at them all. “Did my invite get lost in the mail?”

An ugly motherfucker with no hair at the back of the room stood up. “Who the fuck are you?”

My gun immediately zeroed in on his forehead. “The name’s Rocky. Wanna test me and see if I’m as good as my namesake?”

The others all jumped to their feet angrily, while the three young girls cowered into a corner.

“Good afternoon, assholes.” An older dude with black hair and a president patch held up his hands to stop his men from advancing. “What can I help you with?”

I smiled my most charming smile and gave him a mocking bow. “President, what a pleasure to meet you. Shut the fuck up for a second while I talk to the tweens you’ve got here with you.”

With my gun now firmly trained on the Red Skulls president, I turned to the wide-eyed teens in the corner. “You three, get the fuck out now, comprende?”
