Page 50 of Cue Up

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Did he really think that overrode the truism of experienced homicide investigators?

Yeah, he did.

He was wrong, but that’s what he thought.

I wondered how much his failure to see reality contributed to his success in business. It could make someone just keep plowing ahead.

On the other side, what did that approach do for — or to — relationships?

“You said you gave Keefe a DNA test because he wanted to take one. Do you know why?”

He looked at me like I was an idiot.

“Didn’t matter why. He told Robin all about it while they were up there communing. She got the idea, and we did it. Thought it was the best company, considered investing in it, but HelixKin’s taking way longer than they should have. So much for them getting my investment dollars.” Abruptly, he shouted, “Hey! Karen, Kathy, Kirsten, whatever your name is.”

Krista appeared at the doorway behind us.

“I have a business call. I’m going upstairs. See that I’m not disturbed,” he added with a stern look at Krista and a glare for Diana and me.


When he’d cleared earshot, I said to Krista, “Which room is Robin in?”

“Oh, no you don’t.” She moved to the center of the doorway, though we easily could have broken past her. “Not letting you disturb a guest in her room.”

Especially not with her contentious father nearby.

I didn’t say it. Couldn’t really blame her.

Diana and I looked at her without saying anything.

“Okay, okay. I’ll go see if she wants to talk to you down here.” Away from Randall, which suited us, too. “This is about Keefe’s death, isn’t it?”


Robin came down the stairs behind Krista. Moving slowly, as if reluctant to join us, but her face was intent, interested.

This could go either way. Fast.

“Hi, Robin. We didn’t have a chance to officially meet earlier. I’m Elizabeth Margaret Danniher and this is Diana Stendahl. We’re from KWMT, the local TV station. We hoped you could give us some background, since you were a guest at Elk Rock Ranch.”

She relaxed some. More important, she came into the room and sat across from us.

Was that reaction because my intro moved us away from Keefe’s death? Away from Keefe? Away from a time when her father was around?

“Because you were at the ranch as a guest, you can give us some perspectives no one else can.”

“Like what?”

Good question. Especially since I didn’t want to jump into the meat too soon.

“Like if Wendy is a really sound sleeper.”

Her mouth sagged slightly.

“Brenda said Wendy’s such a deep sleeper that she’d never hear—” Not the time to bring up gunshots. “—a ruckus at the ranch at night. Say, a dog barking.”

“She doesn’t have a dog.”
