Page 103 of Bet Me Something

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I wasa half hour early when I walked into Colby’s office building. I’d meant to stop home before coming, but I couldn’t contain my news a minute longer and had driven straight over from the hospital. Thankfully, the volunteer coordinator had noticed I was leaving in Elsa attire as I’d been so distracted I’d forgotten to change. Otherwise, I’d have been in full Disney princess regalia.

This time the receptionist didn’t hesitate when I said I was there for Mr. Singer. She called up Rhonda straightaway.

“Hi, my dear,” she greeted me with a smile.

“Sorry I’m a bit early for our lunch.”

She waved me off. “It’s okay. Mr. Singer told me anytime you stop by to bring you back. He’s finishing up an internal meeting any minute, but I’ll order up lunch now and then you can go right in.”

Hearing he’d taken the time to say this to his assistant made me smile. “Sounds good. Can you point me to the ladies’ room in the meantime?”

Once there, I took my hair out of the braid, running my hands through it. I kind of had a beach-tousled look going on. Elsa’s eye makeup, complete with sparkles, made for quite the funny contrast with my jean skirt and sleeveless blouse.

Stepping back out to the waiting area, I saw his office door open with a number of people filing out, including Judy. Her face was priceless when Colby, who was walking them out, lit up with a grin upon seeing me.

“Hey,” he rasped.

“Hi,” I returned, realizing we were being observed. “I’m a little early as I came straight from the hospital.”

“I can see that. How are the kids?” He led me into his office and shut the door behind me. In the next second he had me pressed up against it, kissing me breathless.

When he finally pulled away, I blissfully sighed already missing his lips. “They were good. And that’s quite the greeting.”

“You were quite the sight with your princess makeup, sexy hair, and this skirt. You came straight from the hospital—everything okay?”

I smiled. “Better than that. After the performance this morning, a man approached asking if he could speak with me. Turns out his nephew is there going through treatment and the uncle works for a record label. They’re looking for a backup singer for a major headliner. He can’t say who, but he wants me to audition.”

His excitement matched mine. “That’s amazing. When’s the try out?”

“He has my contact information, and said most likely in the next three to four weeks. I’m still in shock.” The opportunity had been hard to believe at first, but this could very well be fate. The only problem was it didn’t solve my issue of stage fright.

“I’m not. I’ve heard you sing, and it’s no wonder that someone in the industry who heard you would be interested. I wish I could take you out tonight to celebrate.”

Right, celebrate the fact I may not be able to actually audition. Putting that thought aside, I smiled. “Me, too, but I got to share my news with you first and I do have plans tonight. Will called this morning, and he’s in town which worked out well because he and two of the girls he models with came this morning to the hospital to help volunteer. He was quite the hit dressed as Prince Charming. Anyhow, he invited me out with a group of them tonight to a nightclub.”

His jaw clenched. “So you’re going?”

“Yeah, I thought it might be fun.” Now his eyes had darkened as his muscles tensed. “What’s going on with you right now?”

He swallowed hard. “Nothing I won’t learn to get over.”

Did he still think Will was a threat? “You know we’re only friends right? Although when he asked about you, I wasn’t sure what to say.”

“So what did you tell him?”

“Well, back in New York when we went out for doughnuts…”


“I kind of told him that I had feelings for you. I may have even asked him for advice. I realize he’s a friend of Haylee’s—and therefore Josh’s. But I do trust he wouldn’t have said anything. So when he inquired this morning how things were going, I deferred to telling him tonight because you and I had agreed not to say anything.”

He fought a smile, his entire body relaxing with my words. “You told him you were into me when we were in New York?”

“In my defense, I only brought it up because he noticed your reaction to me leaving with him that night.”

This time he smirked.

I shook my head. “I’m so confused.”
