Page 122 of Bet Me Something

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Chapter Twenty-One

Iwas unaware how long I stood there in his room, waiting for the sound of his key to indicate he’d come back. The knock at the door finally snapped me out of it. Answering it, I was relieved to find it was Mark, of all people.

“Are you all right?” he asked, his expression full of concern.

“He left.” My mind still couldn’t wrap itself around the fact that in the same day I’d woken up with him, smiling, he was leaving me.

“He probably thought it was for the best right now, given the circumstances.”

I disliked that he was right. More than that, I hated that it could’ve all been avoided if I hadn’t come to Vegas for the weekend. If he hadn’t come to my room last night. If we hadn’t fallen asleep. If, if, if. That stupid word was going on my list, too.

“Your brother is waiting to speak with you.”

I lifted a brow, adrenaline kicking in. “Good, because I have plenty to say.”

* * *

After Haylee answered the door,giving me a sympathetic smile, I went straight into the same room as before, where Josh and my brother were now sitting and having a discussion.

Brian glanced up, looking relieved I was back. “Kenzie, it might not seem like it now, but you’re better off—”

“How’s that?” My tone was sharp, and I witnessed a flash of disbelief in his eyes before he proceeded carefully.

“Maybe now isn’t the time to have this conversation. I understand you’re upset but—”

“Oh, I think it’s the perfect fucking time. You wouldn’t listen earlier, but you’re going to now.”

Josh moved to leave. “I’ll give you two some privacy.”

Clearly, I had no problem with confrontation when it was in defense of someone I loved. “No, you can sit back down because what I have to say concerns you both.”

Josh quirked a brow while taking a seat.

But Brian wasn’t having it. “I get that you’re upset, but this is a private matter. We don’t need to drag Josh into it any more than he already has been.”

“You dragged him into it when you decided to gang up on Colby, making him feel like shit.”

Brian’s temper, although rarely seen in my lifetime, remained in full force. “Are you kidding me? After what he did?”

I stepped closer, putting my hands on my hips. “What, exactly, did he do? Have a relationship with me, a grown woman who entered into it fully aware that we’re two consenting adults.”

His eyes softened. “Don’t you see? There’s no such thing as a relationship for Colby. That’s not what he’s about. And as difficult as it was to discover he’d slept with you, it’s much worse knowing he had you believing it was ever something more.”

“Just because he has a past, doesn’t mean the man can’t change. And he has.”

“Seriously? After hearing what I said to him, which is the tip of iceberg, by the way, you believe that?”

My temper was at a boiling point. “I never should’ve heard that from anyone except him if he’d ever wanted to share it, but the truth is it doesn’t matter. Just like it wouldn’t matter if Sasha knew about you screw—” I stopped myself and turned, not surprised to see both Sasha and Haylee behind me in the doorway.

Sasha raised a brow toward Brian. “Screwing his way through so many college girls he lost count. I’m well aware of your history, Bri, and to your sister’s point, it doesn’t matter to me. It’s your past.”

Oh, shit. This had now become a battle of the sexes because Haylee was looking none too pleased with Josh, either.

Brian swallowed hard, looking at his fiancée and then back to me. “Point taken, but you say he’s changed, and yet he left to meet up with girls he’s been acquainted with previously at a strip club last night. Then he went to your room to crawl into bed with you.”

No wonder Brian had punched Colby if that was the scenario he’d envisioned. “He didn’t go to the strip club; he stayed at the bar with Mark for another drink and then was already in my room by the time I’d had a couple of drinks in the lobby bar.”

Josh shook his head. “I know you want to believe that.”

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