Page 132 of Bet Me Something

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“How were things with your mother?”

“As expected. At least I figured out why she was adamant to have me move home.”

“Why’s that?”

“She and my father are getting divorced.”

“Holy shit. Seriously?”


“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, for the most part. Got a little drunk last night—”

“With who?”

No matter how much I was tempted to say it’s none of your business, I couldn’t be that way. Not with him. “My dad. We drank scotch, which is disgusting by the way.”

He chuckled. “Agreed. It is disgusting.”

My chest was back to hurting. “I should go. I’m glad we, um, talked, and we’re okay for Sunday. Guess I’ll see you then.”

“Oh, okay. Yeah, I’ll definitely see you Sunday.”

After hanging up, I wondered if I should’ve kept the conversation going to show him what he was missing. But then I realized it was actually therapeutic to set the limit I needed in order to cope with not being with him.

* * *

The soundof a siren getting louder by the second woke me up from my nap. Peeking out the window, I could only see out the rear of the house and not the road, but it sounded really close. Mrs. Singer came in a couple minutes later. “Honey, there’s an ambulance at your house. Come on.”

I jumped out of bed, slipped on my shoes and flew down the stairs. Not waiting for her to pull the car out, I took off in a dead run, cutting through our back yards to my house. The blood drained from my face when I saw my mother standing outside on the porch while the ambulance drove away.

“What happened?”

“I’m not sure. Your dad was in the kitchen and clutched his chest. He kept insisting that he would be fine, but I called 911 anyways. He was angry enough that he wouldn’t let me ride with him.”

When Mrs. Singer’s vehicle pulled in, she offered to drive. I took my mom’s hand. “Come on, let’s get to the hospital.”

* * *

After findingout that my father had sustained a mild heart attack and was in need of a procedure where they inserted a stent into a blockage they’d found, we waited for hours at the hospital. During that time, thankfully, both Brian and Sasha had flown in and were welcome company as we all tried to keep positive thoughts.

We stood as soon as the doctor came out.

“We’ve finished with the procedure, and he’s in recovery. Once they get him settled in his room, the nurse will take you up there.”

After thirty minutes we were able to see him. He looked weak, but managed a smile. Tears ran down my face while I embraced him, but the most surprising thing was seeing them in my mother’s eyes.

She took his hand and sat beside him. “I’d like to stay the night if that’s okay.”

My father wore a stunned expression but nodded. “All right. I might not be very good company, but that would be nice.”

“Can I bring either of you anything from the house?” I offered.

My mom nodded, coming over to embrace me and give me a list of things they’d both need from home.

* * *

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