Page 141 of Bet Me Something

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Traveling to Bali was deeply personal for me. I’d needed to prove that I could exercise my independence as well as take time to think about what I wanted for my future. But two weeks in, and it had clicked, so when the volunteer coordinator asked for people to give up their slots a couple days early because they were overbooked in the housing, I jumped at the chance to go home.

The only person I’d told about my change in plans was my brother who was picking me up at the airport in Virginia. Since Colby was due to be home, my idea was to surprise him.

I’d exchanged emails with Colby every day, sometimes twice a day. Although I still had some reservations about his ability to reconcile with his past, I had no doubt how he felt about his future. Or more importantly, that he wanted me to be part of it. I read his last email to me, received yesterday, for the tenth time, laughing at his words.

Dear Kenz,

I’m in Virginia today visiting my beautiful niece. My brother informs me, upon looking over my shoulder uninvited, that I should not tell you how many times per day I’ve jerked off thinking about you. I, of course, had only put that in here knowing he’s a nosy fucker and wishing to give him a hard time. (But we both know you’re dying to hear the number now, aren’t you?)

He’s also offered up his opinion that I should get on a plane this week to come see you. Brian, equally unhelpful with his wisdom, has seconded that idea but not because of me. Nope, he would just like you home safe and sound on US soil as soon as possible. He didn’t appreciate it when I reminded him that you got hit by the car in LA, hardly a testament that being stateside is necessarily safer.

Haylee has vetoed Josh’s advice, insisting that you need this time. Sasha was overheard telling Brian that he needed to have some testicular fortitude and suck up the fact that you’re all grown up and across the world until you’re ready to come home.

In conclusion, our families are seriously incompetent at giving good advice. So in case you wish I would get on a plane, I’m gonna have to rely on your cues, sweetheart. Just know I’m supportive of how ever long you want to stay. Miss you and I LOVE YOU! (All caps means it’s a lot btw).

Flashing my PDG and wishing you could see it, Love, Colby

Stepping off the plane at Dulles International in Virginia, I went through customs and then smiled at my brother and Sasha, who both met me outside of baggage claim.

After hugs all the way around, I followed them out to the car only to be surprised when instead of getting on the highway, they pulled into the private terminal.

“Where are we going?”

“To Los Angeles where Colby is,” Brian supplied.

“I thought he was here.”

We parked and got out of the car, walking toward a jet that was waiting.

“He was, but he left yesterday because you’re not the only one with a surprise.”

“What?” Maybe the lack of sleep from the long flight was making me slow. What was I missing?

Brian sighed. “He’s going to kill me for telling you, but if you’re up for it, you could really shock the hell out of him as we came up with an idea.”

“Who’s we?” I asked following him up the steps onto the private jet.

Onboard were Haylee, Josh, and Mrs. Singer, along with baby Abigail.

“What’s going on?”

My query was met with smiles all around with Josh answering. “We have a plan if you’re game.”

* * *

I blinkedat my reflection in the mirror and turned to admire my backside, currently encased in black leather pants. The feeling was both strange and erotic against my skin. The four-inch platform shoes and a pale pink flowy top contributed to what Haylee dubbed the glam rocker look. I couldn’t believe both Sasha and Haylee had gone shopping for my outfit, giddy for Colby’s reaction to it. My hair was up in a high ponytail, and my makeup, courtesy of Sasha, completed the sexy look.

We’d landed in Los Angeles a couple of hours ago and were now at a hotel getting ready before going where Colby was. Luckily I’d slept on the plane after finding out that Colby had indeed been planning a surprise of his own. Turns out he’d setup a fundraising concert to raise money for the Children’s Hospital and it was happening tonight. Josh wouldn’t go into the reasons why, leaving that for his brother to tell me.

“Christ, it looks like sex threw up all over you,” Brian halfway protested when I stepped out into the main room of the suite to meet everyone.

“That’s a really interesting image, Bri,” Sasha laughed, putting her arm around him. “Your sister is allowed to be sexy.”

Josh shook his head, siding with Brian. “Sister and sex should never be used in the same sentence, but you look, uh, good, Kenzie.”

These two clearly didn’t know how to give a grown-up compliment to the little girl they still envisioned when they looked at me. Luckily, it wasn’t them I wanted the attention from. “Enough of the awkward-for-everyone flattery, boys. Let’s go.”
