Page 145 of Bet Me Something

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“Drive faster.” I stroked him through the material, delighted when he sped up some, and we arrived at his gate in four.

He’d barely put the car in park and shut off the ignition before he was on me. His hands wove into my hair while his mouth ravaged my senses with a kiss that was a contrast between tenderness and raw heat, scorching a trail down my throat.

I moaned with uncontrolled longing, wanting more than this cramped space in the car but not wanting to break away from his mouth, either.

Finally he did so, looking at me with unveiled love and lust. “What is it with you and this garage?”

I smirked, getting out of the car and watching him fetch my suitcase out of the back. “It’s you that’s the common denominator.”

Stepping into his house for the first time in over a month, nostalgia hit me. I felt his strong arms go around me from behind, hugging me close.

“Those weeks after the Vegas debacle, I couldn’t stand to be here because everything reminded me of you, so I stayed at the office mostly. Of course I was useless there too which is what I think propelled me to go visit the kids in the hospital. From there I managed to get my shit together.”

I turned with his confession, touching his face. I’d needed to know that his leaving me in Vegas hadn’t only been hard on me, but on him as well. We may be willing to leave things in the past, but learning from it was also essential. “I’m really glad you did.”

He laughed as I knew he would. “Me too.” Then his expression turned serious, and he took my hand to lead me into the bedroom. There he kissed me as if he wouldn’t ever get enough.

I wrapped my arms around him, eagerly returning his kisses and scarcely believing we’d survived almost three weeks without them.

“Christ. That felt like the first time.”

I shook my head. “More like the second time because if I recall the first time, it wasn’t—” I didn’t get to finish before his lips took mine again.

He was smiling when he started undressing me. “I blocked out all memory of that first kiss, so if anyone ever asks, we start counting from the second one.”

“Sounds good. And I won’t ever tell anyone it happened on your brother’s couch.”

He laughed out loud. “Deal. Oh, and don’t worry, I won’t mention the Tide stain stick comment from how wet I made you with our do-over second attempt.”

I sucked in my breath, horrified by the memory for only a second before I laughed. This was us. Fun, goofy, TMI moments—and I wouldn’t change a damn thing. “Okay, but if anyone ever asks, we waited until after our five dates to have sex.”

“I’m sensing a trend that the first times don’t go so well for us, but at least we more than make up for it later.”

“Yeah, we do.” I moved one of my hands down, taking a firm grip on his cock, curling my fingers around it. The frantic noise he made matched my own level of desperation to have him inside of me. We undressed desperately from that point on, but the leather pants, which had been sexy as hell on, were anything but when caught halfway down my legs.

Laughing against my lips, he walked me toward the bed and pushed me gently onto my back. He then pulled at the bottom of each leg to release me from my pants. “I have to say I prefer the dresses when it comes to getting inside of you faster, although the way those hugged your ass was hot as hell.”

I would’ve agreed, but at the moment could only concentrate on how incredible his body looked. One final tug on my thong, and I was finally completely naked under him. It wasn’t until he pressed against my entrance that I finally started to relax, knowing the delicious torture of waiting all night—hell, three weeks—was about to end. We both groaned in unison when he filled me on one stroke.

“I’ll make it up to you the second time,” he murmured.

I wasn’t sure what he meant until he started moving harder and faster, lifting my hips up and driving into me with deep, measured thrusts. My eyes rolled back, my core clenched, and suddenly I was coming in spectacular fashion, gripping his ass to rock him deeper into me, enjoying the sound of him reaching his own climax shortly after. We stayed joined for the longest time, each of us unwilling to break the connection.

When he ground his hips, starting to drive again, I moaned with satisfaction. Was he already hard again, or did it ever really go down? This time he pumped with slow, long, deliberate strokes, rising above me. He captured my face in his hands, his gaze looking intense. “I love you, Kenz.”

Dear God. Hearing those words while he moved inside of me would be my undoing. “I love you, too. So much.” I took his lips in a kiss, pouring all my emotion into it and feeling him do the same until we built up to the second release for both of us.

We lay there, quietly entangled in one another in the wee hours of the morning, neither of us wishing to miss a moment by sleeping.

“So, I think I found a roommate and a place for you to live,” he said quietly in the dark.

“Oh, yeah? Is it a house or apartment?”

“Here, I’ll let you hear the ad.”

What was he doing, combing Craigslist for me? “Uh, okay.”

He climbed out of bed briefly to rifle through his nightstand drawer. “This is still in draft, since you weren’t due home yet, so it can be amended as needed.”
