Page 148 of Bet Me Something

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It was only fitting that during the best year of my life, I’d be lucky enough to be up on stage accepting a Golden Globe. As the producer for the film, I had a list of people to thank, from the director to the cast and my team, before looking at my amazing wife in the audience. “Last, but certainly not least, thank you to my gorgeous wife who makes me laugh every day and inspires me to love what I do and do what I love.”

Kenzie blew me a kiss from the table as I grinned, thinking she’d never looked more beautiful than she did tonight.

After winning the award, I dealt with the press and photographers, necessary tasks that came with taking home the trophy. If I could ever get out of here, I planned to meet Kenzie for the after party, along with my brother and Mom, who’d flown in to share this evening’s celebration with me. Realizing my phone was buzzing in my pocket, I stepped to the side to answer my brother’s call.

“Hey, Josh.”

“Hey, congratulations.”

“Thanks. So I’m hoping I’ll wrap up here soon.”

“Well, I hope it’s real soon because Kenzie made me promise not to tell you for a half hour, but I can’t wait any longer. She’s in labor.”

“What?” She was only a week away from her due date, so labor wasn’t unreasonable, but she hadn’t mentioned anything earlier, so I’d assumed we were good. “Okay, where is she now?” Jesus, I’d just seen her in the audience only twenty minutes ago.

“On the way to the hospital with Mom in our limo. She didn’t want to interrupt your press, but I thought I’d leave that decision up to you. By the way, she said to pass on that she was calling Brian, but not her mom until after the baby is here. I’m two blocks over in a cab, ready to go when you are.”

“Okay, I’ll be there as fast as I can.”

By the time we arrived at the hospital, it was almost an hour later. The traffic from the Globes hadn't helped the drive. My brother had kept me calm, and thankfully, I was able to get a hold of Kenzie, who assured me that we had plenty of time. After getting out of the car, I was about to sprint in through the hospital doors when I saw my mom in the parking lot next to a limo.

She beamed with excitement. “Kenzie’s in the back. Josh and I will head in and let them know you’re here and leave you two a few last minutes of privacy. Congratulations are in order all around tonight. Love you.” She gave me a hug, grinning from ear to ear.

“Thanks, Mom. Love you, too. We’ll see you both in there soon.”

Climbing into the back seat next to my wife of almost a year, I smiled at the familiar rush I experienced every time I set eyes on her. She had the kind of energy that brought sunshine to a dark room and she was undoubtedly the love of my life. Brushing her hair over her shoulder, I kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear, breathing in the floral scent that I knew came from her conditioner. I grinned when I pulled away and her eyes met mine with humor. Those big brown eyes with the golden blond hair were a lethal combination, and I was one lucky bastard to experience it on a daily basis.

If she was nervous about what was about to happen, she sure as hell wasn’t showing it. Instead, she was shoving her face with In-N-Out Burger, which made me chuckle.

“Hi, Kenz.”

She attempted a smile with her mouth full. “Hey, you.”

We were both smiling, so easily lost in one another as we often were, even amongst a crowd or in a busy parking lot.

She offered up a fry, and I shook my head. “I take it you didn’t eat much during the ceremony?”

She wrinkled her cute nose and shook her head. “Every time I went to take a bite, someone would ask a question or the camera would pan to the table. I didn’t want to be the preggo wife who was bulldozing a meal for the whole world to see. Plus, I was kind of nervous, hoping so much that you’d win. After you stepped up on stage and gave your really great speech, I was instantly starving.”

“How long have you been in labor?”

Her grin was sheepish. “I might’ve felt some pangs on the red carpet.”

My eyes widened. “Jesus, why didn’t you say anything?”

She gave me the look. The kind you get that says, yeah right. “This was your big night, and there was no way you were going to miss winning a Golden Globe. I’m so proud of you, by the way. You worked so hard on this film. I was just hoping I could give you some more time, but your brother was kind of freaking out about waiting.” She winced with some discomfort before returning to her chocolate shake.

I laughed, picturing Josh stressing about Kenzie telling him to delay in sharing the news. “Although I appreciate you wanting to let me have this night, you have to understand that compared to all of my other productions, this is by far the greatest one. There’s nothing more important.” I rubbed her pregnant belly, completely in awe when our baby moved under my touch.

She put her hand to my face. “That was really sweet. Now take my mind off of what’s about to happen, please.”

“My pleasure.” I tipped her chin and met her lips, never tiring of this action and forever appreciative that she’d been the one and only woman I’d ever kissed like this. Finally breaking away, I whispered. “How was that?”

“Perfection. Now if only I could both eat and kiss at the same time.” She finished up her burger, then frowned at her phone, which seemed to be blowing up with text messages.

“Who is it?”
