Page 75 of Bet Me Something

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His chuckled. “Me making you wait has you wanting me more?”

“Uh-huh. Ironic, isn’t it?”

“If I’d only known that’s what drives the women crazy, I might’ve adopted this approach years ago.”

I shook my head. “Poor baby. I’m sure playing hard to get was the missing link this whole time in getting you laid.”

He laughed, kissing me playfully. “Let’s go. We have plans.”

* * *

Our first datestarted that very evening on the Santa Monica pier. It consisted of two beers, four fish tacos, and then walking the boardwalk hand in hand while enjoying the summer night.

I’d called Jordan earlier to turn down dinner. In the process, I found out his manager had acquired my number via Max Tambor after having seen me talking to the record producer earlier that night at the party. Jordan hadn’t sounded apologetic about ignoring Colby’s request not to call me but had taken my no thanks to the date in stride.

All thoughts of him set aside, I leaned on the rail and watched Colby throw away our beer cups, realizing I’d already had a better time in the last hour than I’d ever had on any other date.

He walked back toward me now, PDG in full force. “Do you want another round?”

“No. I’m good, thanks. What do you want to do next?”

“This.” He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, trailing his fingertips along my cheek and then leaned down for a kiss. His lips were soft, unhurried, and with a skill that had my toes curling. His tongue flicked against mine one time with a promise of what was to come.

“Wow,” I breathed and then matched his grin.

“Yeah, turns out kissing isn’t so overrated, after all.”

“Mm, you’re a quick learner as that was one of your best yet.”

“I had a great teacher.” He kissed me once more and sighed. “Come on, let’s get you home. I have a feeling we can both use some sleep after last night.”

I nodded, taking his hand. “Where did you end up going?”

“My office. I couldn’t sleep, therefore I worked.”

When we climbed into his car, I turned toward him. “Maybe I should take the guest room tonight.”

“Why would you do that?”

“So as not to tempt the five-date rule?”

“Considering I’ve been exercising restraint since Vegas every damn time I’m around you, a couple more days won’t kill me.”

I smirked. “I wasn’t talking about you.”

* * *

When Colby wokeme up the next morning, I swore it was still the middle of the night. I snuggled further into the warm bed, but when I opened an eye, I realized he was already dressed with a grin on his face, looking like an adorably anxious kid.

“Come on, sleepyhead, get your sexy ass in the shower and get ready. We need to be on the road in thirty minutes. You can go back to sleep once we’re in the car.”

“What? Why?”

“Our second, third, and fourth dates await.”

I woke up fully at his declaration and noted his PDG was even hotter first thing in the morning. “Wait. We’re doing all three today?” I glanced over at the clock and saw it was only four o’clock in the morning.

“Only if you’re ready in thirty minutes.”
