Page 110 of Irresistible Darkness

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My hand falls away from my watch as I glance towards where Jace is standing a short distance away. He gives me a small smile that makes butterflies erupt in my stomach.

It eases the pain in my soul.

“So, what kind of show is it?” Jenn suddenly asks.

I flash Jace a quick smile before returning my attention to the conversation around the table.

“You said it was a drinks-and-a-show kind of place,” Jenn continues, and gestures towards the small stage ahead. “What kind of show is it?”

“Oh, uhm,” Lionel replies after swallowing his gulp of wine. Setting down his glass again, he scratches the back of his neck. “I’m not actually sure. I’ve just heard that it’s good.”

“I think we’re about to find out,” Aurora says, and nods towards where a man in a dark blue suit has just walked onto the stage.

A round of applause sweeps through the room, and everyone stops talking and instead turns towards the man.

“Welcome,” he says as he comes to a halt at the front of the stage. With a conspiratorial smile on his face, he spreads his arms wide. “To a night of mysteries. A night of miracles. A night where we breach the veil between the living and the dead.”

I suck in a sharp breath. Oh God. No. Don’t tell me this is a?—

“My name is Caesar Ordell and I am a bridge between our realm and the place where our loved ones are waiting,” he continues. “I can help them speak to you from beyond the grave.”

Ice spreads through my veins.

On my left, Jenn shoots Aurora a pointed look, which she replies to with an eye roll. I could probably have understood what that look meant if my brain had been working properly, but right now, all I can focus on is how cold my chest suddenly feels.

“Let’s see who we have here with us today,” Caesar says as he drops down from the small stage and starts walking between the tables. “Who the spirits want to talk to today.”

People look towards him with bright eyes, as if they’re hoping he will come to them. Wrapping my hand around my wristwatch, I squeeze it hard while desperately hoping that he won’t come to our table.

Caesar stops at a table halfway across the room and starts talking to a woman about her grandmother. Jenn and Aurora whisper to each other and Aurora rolls her eyes again as Jenn nudges her in the ribs. On my other side, Lionel just watches with mild curiosity. None of them seem to have noticed my panic.

I can feel Jace’s eyes burning holes in the side of my head, but I don’t dare to turn and look at him. Because if I do, this calm façade that I somehow still manage to present to the rest of the world is going to shatter like broken glass.

“I’m feeling another connection,” Caesar says.

My heart leaps into my throat as he starts moving in our direction. Blood pounds in my ears as he stops right in front of our table and locks eyes with me.

“From a brother,” Caesar says, his blue eyes firmly on mine. “Victor.”

I suck in a short breath.

Both Jenn and Aurora turn to stare at me, shock pulsing across their faces. They didn’t know about Victor. Nobody does. Because I never talk about him.

“I see… water,” Caesar says, his eyes compassionate as they search my face. “A lake.”

I stare back at him.

“No, a river,” he amends.

I swallow.

“You were both very young.”

My throat starts to close up.

Caesar gives me a look of sorrow. “He says that the current was too strong.”

Shock pulses through me. How could he possibly know that?
