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While cursing that little menace under my breath, I head back down to my car and then drive to her real apartment.

I’m supposed to be relieving Trent’s bodyguard at half past seven, and I manage to make it there with two minutes to spare.

Since I won’t have time to head back to my car this time, I grab the duffel bag from my passenger seat straight away. After slinging it over my shoulder, I snatch up the newest addition to my bat collection too and then start towards Kayla’s door.

At exactly seven thirty, I knock on the door to her apartment.

A middle-aged man in a black suit opens it. He takes one look at me and then nods.

“Mr. Hunter,” he says as he steps aside and motions for me to enter. “Come on in. Ms. Ashford is?—”

“Who was…” Kayla begins as she walks out of a room a little ahead and to my right. But when she sees me, she trails off and jerks back in surprise. “You.”

The other bodyguard turns towards her. “Since Mr. Hunter has arrived, I will be returning to my other duties now, ma’am.”

I blink at him. Ma’am? Did he really just call her ma’am?

Kayla stares at me in stunned silence for another second before giving her head a quick shake and then returning her attention to her temporary bodyguard. “Yes, that’s fine. You may leave.”

“Thank you.” He bows his head. “Have a good day, ma’am.”

Incredulity pulses through me. He’s acting as if she’s the bloody Queen of England or something. If she is expecting me to bow my head and address her as ma’am, she’s about to be incredibly disappointed.

I watch the guy leave while that incredulity still rings inside my skull.

Once the door is closed behind him, I at last turn to face Kayla.

It’s only seven thirty in the morning, but she is already dressed and ready for school. She’s wearing a pair of form-fitting jeans and a white dress shirt that shows off her curves. The pale shirt also makes her long, flaming red hair stand out in stark contrast as it spills down over her shoulders. In comparison to the fiery color of her hair, her blue eyes are calm and cool. Like a deep ocean.

Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

And she’s also scowling at me.

I flash her a smirk. “Surprised to see me? After you sent me to that dummy address?”

Drawing herself up to her full height, she tries to look down her nose at me even though she’s an entire head shorter than me. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I’m not stupid, you know.”

She scoffs and flicks a dismissive look up and down my body. “You sure look like it.”

I draw my eyebrows down and open my mouth to retort, but before I can, she starts walking across the living room.

The apartment is large, but somehow still smaller than what I expected for someone who is as rich as she is. The door and the short hallway I’m currently standing in is connected to a combined kitchen and living room. The kitchen part to my right is full of stainless-steel appliances and gleaming countertops, and there is a massive oak table that forms a kind of barrier between the kitchen and the living room side. There is a corner sofa with pristine white fabric by the windows straight ahead, a fluffy white carpet underneath the glass coffee table, and some white bookshelves along the wall next to the TV.

To the right is the room that Kayla came out of, and to the left is another identical door.

I follow Kayla as she strides towards it.

She opens the door and then continues inside while speaking over her shoulder. “This is your room. It has a private bathroom through that door, as you can see. My room is on the other side of the living room.”

Walking across the threshold, I study the bedroom that will be my temporary home.

It’s decently sized and does indeed have a bathroom attached to it. There’s a set of drawers and a closet by one wall, and a double bed with neutral gray sheets by another.

“But you will not, under any circumstances, be going into my bedroom,” Kayla continues as she stops next to the bed and crosses her arms.

I unsling my duffel bag and drop it on the floor with a thud. Then I toss my bat onto the bed. Kayla frowns at it.
