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Me: Give me a minute.

Marcus is a second-year from Blackwater who I’ve partied with on occasion. He is, all things considered, a pretty chill guy. And he, just like most people at Blackwater, will jump at the chance to help out a Hunter in the hopes that I will put in a good word for him with the Morelli family.

At the table, Kayla gets to her feet and starts packing up her books and notebooks. She is now standing in the exact same spot she was standing in this morning when I bent her over that table.

My cock hardens just at the memory.

Does that little demon have any idea just how fucking difficult it was to sit there and pretend to be completely unaffected while she sauntered across the room looking like the hottest fucking thing I have ever seen in that black lace lingerie?

And when she slid her hair over her shoulder and bent over to pack her books? Fucking hell, I thought the wood was going to crack from how hard I was gripping the table leg. And then she had the fucking nerve to stroll up to the table and lean over it. It took all of my self-control to keep my eyes on her face.

But then she just had to go and suck her finger like that.

Damn infuriating woman.

I was so fucking turned on that I thought I was going to lose my damn mind.

My cock throbs again at the mere memory.

Clenching my jaw, I stare down at my phone while Kayla finishes putting her books away.

Anticipation quickly pushes out the frustration. Kayla might be good, but I’m better. And there is nothing I love more than playing dirty.

Without so much as a glance in my direction, she strides across the room and disappears into her bedroom. The door shuts behind her with a click.

The moment it’s closed, I leap up from the couch and hurry across the floor. Moving on silent feet, I sneak up to Kayla’s closed door and press my ear against it.

After a few seconds, the sound of another door being closed reaches me. Then everything goes silent.

About half a minute passes.

And then the sound of splashing water echoes as Kayla turns on the shower in her private bathroom.

I sprint over to the front door and unlock it. After a quick look back, I open the door and slip out into the hallway outside the apartment.

A guy with brown hair and dark brown eyes is standing there a couple of steps away. He’s holding a large box in his hands.

“Hunter,” he says, and nods in greeting when he sees me.

“Marcus,” I reply as I close the distance between us. “Thanks for coming through for me on such short notice.”

“Yeah, of course. Anytime.”

“I’ll have her back to you safe and sound in about ten minutes.”

He nods. “Alright. I’ll just wait here.”

I reach out and take the box from him when he holds it out to me. After another nod in thanks, I turn around and disappear back into the apartment. Hurrying over to Kayla’s door, I press my ear against it again.

The sound of splashing water still echoes from inside.

Taking a step back, I set the box down on the floor outside the door before I straighten again and carefully push down the handle. I open the door to reveal Kayla’s deserted bedroom. The sound of water is louder now when there is no second door to block it.

I spare a quick glance towards the closed door to her bathroom while I crouch down and open the lid of the box Marcus handed me.

A wide grin spreads across my lips.

Freya looks up at me.
