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Drawing my eyebrows down in a scowl, I shoot them all a glare while sitting up and swinging my legs off the couch. “Get those fucking guns out of my face.”

Eli, Kaden, and Rico just watch me in silence, still pointing their guns at me. I shoot my three brothers another glare.

Then I arch an expectant eyebrow at them, and Rico at last slides his gun into the back of his pants. Kaden holsters his as well, but instead slips out a knife that he starts spinning in his hand. Eli keeps the gun in his hand but uses it to motion at the combined kitchen and living room around us.

“The fuck did you do to our house?” he says. It’s more of a demand than a question.

“It’s not your house anymore,” I remind him. “You all have already graduated.”

“Technically, Rico didn’t graduate,” Kaden comments with a smirk directed at Rico.

“Shut up,” Rico retorts.

Blowing out a forceful breath, I rake my fingers through my hair and then run my tongue around my parched mouth. How much did I drink last night? Clearly not enough, since that thrumming restlessness inside me is already back.

“How did you even get in here?” I mutter as I reach for the bottle of whiskey on the coffee table before me.

Kaden shoots me a look as if I’ve just said the dumbest thing ever while Rico quickly snatches the bottle from the table before I can grab it.

I glare at Rico, who just stares me down, before shifting my attention to Kaden, who looks like he’s waiting for me to answer my own question.

“Yeah, yeah, you’re elite assassins and mafia bosses,” I mutter. “Whatever.”

“We also used to live here, remember?” Rico says as he walks over to the liquor cabinet and puts the bottle there.

I let out something between a snarl and a sigh, and then push myself up from the cream-colored couch. Neither Eli nor Kaden makes any move to step back and allow me to pass, so I simply grab the back of the couch and jump over it instead.

“Pretty spry for someone who was passed out dead a minute ago,” Eli says, shooting me a grin and a look full of challenge.

However, before I can retort, Kaden speaks up. Or rather, issues a command.

“Drink some water,” he orders. Then he nods towards my left shoulder. “And put some ice on your shoulder.”

I raise my eyebrows in silent question while the three of them round the couch and approach the kitchen island as well.

“I saw you wince when you twisted around,” Kaden responds to my wordless question.

“Of course you did,” I mutter under my breath.

The bastard never misses a thing. I walk right past the freezer, but I do head for the sink since I actually am thirsty. After downing two entire glasses of water, I turn back to my meddling brothers and cross my arms over my chest.

They all look the way they usually do when I see them. It’s not as often anymore since I’m still studying at Blackwater while all of them have left university and joined the real world.

Rico with his brown hair that curls softly looks the most like me. Which is interesting considering that he is technically our cousin and not our brother. Our hair is the same shade of brown, but my brown eyes are a little lighter than his. Ever since he left Blackwater, he has started wearing suits more often, though. Which is not something that I would ever willingly put on.

At least Kaden and Eli still wear their customary dark pants and tight-fitting black shirts complete with combat boots. As usual, Kaden has his knife holsters secured around his thighs and hips. That, combined with his sharply styled straight black hair and his dark eyes that always see too much, makes him look as dangerous and lethal as he really is.

And Eli is no better. His hair is also straight and black, but his eyes are a strange golden color. It would’ve made him look almost beautiful, if it weren’t for the fact that those eyes of his are often tinted with a bit of insanity. Not to mention the scar that cuts through his eyebrow and ends at the top of his cheek. Or the other hundreds of scars across his skin.

“What are you even doing here?” I demand as I raise my eyebrows at the three of them.

“Dad has called a family meeting,” Eli says.

I let out something between a groan and a sigh. “About what?”

“He didn’t say. But he told us to go and get you.” He jerks his chin towards the open doorway to the corridor. “So, get to it.”

I narrow my eyes at him. But I know that there is no point in arguing, because our dear father does not take kindly to disobedience. So in the end, I just heave another sigh and reply, “Fine.”
