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“I know.”

“But you forgot one thing.”

I arch a cocky eyebrow at him. “Oh?”

“Yeah.” The smile on his face turns outright villainous. “You forgot the importance of high-quality equipment.”

“What’s that supposed to?—”

He yanks his arm forward in one quick motion.

And the handcuffs snap.

I gasp and jerk back in shock.

Broken bits clink down on the marble floor, and for one second, I can only stare at them in stunned surprise.

Jace, however, doesn’t hesitate.

Shooting forward, he closes the distance between us again in a matter of moments. I scramble backwards, trying to escape up the stairs. But it’s too late. His arms wrap around my waist and yank me off the first step. I suck in a hiss as he spins me around and shoves me up against the wall.

Air escapes my lungs as my chest hits the marble wall. Placing my palms on the cold stone, I try to push myself away from it. Jace just grabs my right wrist and yanks it down from the wall before twisting it up behind my back. His knees dig into the back of my thighs as he uses his body weight to keep me pinned to the wall.

Leaning forward, he places his lips right next to my ear. “So that’s how you want to play it, huh?”

Lightning skitters across my skin as his warm breath dances over the shell of my ear.

“Then fine,” he continues, his lips almost brushing my skin. “That’s how we’ll play it.”

Faint metallic clinking sounds. Then something cold appears against my wrist. I try to yank my arm back but Jace keeps it mercilessly trapped behind my back. A very ominous click sounds. Followed by another.

Then Jace at last releases me and steps back.

I yank my arm down while whirling around towards Jace, and then snap my gaze down to my hand.

Disbelief pulses through me.

My right wrist is now handcuffed. Not with the ones I brought, since half of them are still stuck to the iron gate. No, this is another pair of handcuffs. Ones that look much more professional. And sturdy. But that’s not the worst of it.

One side of those handcuffs is locked around my wrist. The other side encircles Jace’s left wrist.

I drag my gaze up to his face, but no words make it out of my mouth.

“As opposed to the cheap toy you brought,” Jace begins.

And then he demonstrates just how cheap and low-quality my handcuffs were by breaking what remains of them from his right wrist until the cuff falls to the floor in pieces. Shock crackles through me. Because even though they might have been a toy compared to real handcuffs, it would still take serious strength to just shatter them like that.

Jace raises his other hand, lifting my right hand with it as well since it’s trapped to his.

“Mine are the real deal,” he finishes. Mischief sparkles in his eyes as he casts a pointed look at our joined wrists. “So good luck trying to ditch me now, little demon.”

For a few seconds, all I can do is to stare at him in complete disbelief.

Then reality snaps back into me like a hard slap to the face.

“Ugh,” I growl, giving his muscular chest a hard shove. “You are unbelievable! Who even walks around with a pair of extra handcuffs like this?”

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