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“That’s right,” Lionel calls, his tone mocking. “Run after your mistress like the dog you are.”

Jace’s footsteps stop.

Lionel lets out a terrified squeak.

Then Jace’s footsteps start back up again.

I still don’t turn to look.

Everyone else does, though. All the students and faculty members that I pass turn to stare at me as I walk out of the library.

Embarrassment burns through my cheeks.

I’m going to fucking kill Jace when I get home.



The heat of her rage could’ve powered a mid-sized town for an entire month. I could feel it vibrating through the air like heat waves during the entire walk back to her apartment. Though I don’t really understand what she’s so angry about. Lionel is a dick. He had it coming.

Following her into the apartment, I close and lock the door behind us. I expect to hear Kayla’s angry footsteps continue towards her bedroom. But instead, they stop in the living room. Halfway between my bedroom and hers.

I heave a deep sigh before turning to face her. Here we go.

“In the morning, you’re going to call my father and tell him that you quit,” she declares.

Scoffing, I stride away from the door and towards her. “No.”

Fury flashes like lightning strikes in her eyes at my arrogant tone. As I close the distance between us, I study her. She is angry. Really, really angry. It radiates from her entire being with such intensity that I’m almost surprised that I can’t see real flames flickering along her red hair.

Drawing my eyebrows down in genuine confusion, I demand, “What’s your problem with me?”

“You!” She throws her arms out in rage as I come to a halt in front of her. “You are the problem. First you had me kidnapped by your psycho brothers and had me handcuffed in a basement.”

“You didn’t seem to mind the handcuffs during the second part of that night.”

Her eyes flash, but she doesn’t take the bait. Instead, she stabs her finger into my chest. “And then you dragged me to that wedding where I almost caused a mass shoot-out.”

“How is that my fault? You are the one who caused the standoff.”

“You could’ve warned me that you were all armed.”

“It was a church full of hitmen. You seriously expected us not to be armed?”

A snarl rips from her throat, and she gives my chest a shove. “And now you embarrassed me in front of the entire university!”

“I embarrassed you? Lionel?—”

“Lionel is my friend. And you don’t get to treat my friends like that.”

Wrapping my hand around her wrist, I stop her from shoving me again while I lock hard eyes on her. “Lionel is a leech.”


“He’s not with you because he wants to be your friend. He’s with you because he wants something from you.”

She jerks back as if I had slapped her. And I immediately regret saying that. Even though I know that it’s the truth. There is nothing genuine about Lionel Henderson. He’s only trailing after Kayla because he wants something from her. And I’m pretty sure it’s financial security in the form of a very advantageous marriage.

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