Page 127 of Brutal Ambition

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“I’m not a Zeta anyway,” I remind her.

“You could be,” she answers.

“If Sloane doesn’t even like me, I don’t see her making an exception to let me in.”

And after that auction, I can definitely agree with Ryan that she doesn’t like me.

“She already told me to put a feeler out and see if you wanted to join. I know you don’t know her, but Sloane’s very self-protective and she’s never going to put herself out there if she’s not sure the answer is yes. But if you want the spot, it’s yours. And I have extra wallpaper we could use to decorate your vision board, I’m JUST saying.”

“What are you smiling at over there?”

My stomach jumps at hearing Killian’s sleepy voice when I thought he was still asleep. “I’m sorry, did I wake you up?”

He comes across the bed, snatching my phone before I realize what’s happening.


He scowls at the screen sleepily, then sighs with annoyance when he reads enough of the text to get the idea. “Goddamn Zetas.”

I lunge for my phone. “Give that back.”

He holds it just out of reach and locks his arm around my waist, pulling me back to his side. Then, rolling over so his back is to me like a fortress wall, he says aloud as he types, “Sorry Addison, gotta go fuck Killian now. Goodnight.”

“Oh my god, you better not be typing that,” I say, making more of an effort to get around him and get my phone back.

“And send,” he says, before reaching over and putting my phone on his bedside table.

I climb on top of him to reach for it, but he rolls me onto my back and climbs on top of me before I make contact. “I’m going to kill you,” I tell him.

“Empty threat. You could never kill anyone.” He grabs my hands and raises them over my head, pinning them down with his iron grip and leaning in to kiss my neck.

We’re both naked, and it doesn’t take much to make my body want him right now, but my desire is mildly diluted by the mortification of him sending that message to Addison. Pushing uselessly against my manacles, I say, “Just let me grab the phone really fast. Maybe she didn’t read it yet and I can delete it.”

“Keep fighting me and I’ll send her a play-by-play.”

I sigh. “Why are you like this?”

“You mean wonderful?”

I laugh, caught off guard by his quip.

He smirks, nipping at my jaw, then dipping his head and kissing my tits. I see my phone light up on his nightstand, and I know that means Addison has definitely seen—and responded to—the message.

Knowing it’s too late to do anything about it frees me of the worry, though. I guess she knows Killian well enough to know that was almost certainly him and not me. I would never be so crass.

Now that he doesn’t have to worry about me getting away, he lets go of my arms. His hands slide down my sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake, until they reach my hips. His right hand slides down between my thighs, and I sigh with pleasure as he rubs his finger along my slit.

He doesn’t have to get me ready since I’ve already taken his cock once tonight, but he spreads me open and teases my clit a bit anyway. Sigh after pleasurable sigh slips out of me until he pulls out suddenly, grabbing his cock.

Since we’re home, I thought maybe he’d grab a condom this time, but he didn’t last time, and he doesn’t now either.

“Wait, Killian.” I press my hands against his chest. “I told you we need to use protection until I can get on birth control.”

He ignores me, pushing the head of his cock into me. “And I told you no.”

I scowl up at him. “You don’t get to unilaterally make this decision.”

“Wanna bet?” he asks, pushing deeper.
