Page 153 of Brutal Ambition

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“Before we get to the first order of business, does anyone have anything they want to bring to the table?”

“Yeah,” I say.

Hex looks at me. “Go ahead.”

“I have a personal matter I’m gonna be dealing with.”

“What kind of personal matter?”

“A nobody. Some scumbag. I’ll be careful, and I don’t expect I’ll need any help, but I figured I’d mention it.”

“Is he local?”

“Not really,” I say, reluctant to give more information than I have to.

“Who is he?” Hex asks, his gaze fixed on me.

I sigh with mild annoyance, but I meet his gaze unflinchingly. “Someone from Brynn’s past. Like I said, there’s no reason it would ever come back on us, I have no connection to the guy myself, but he’s gotta die, so…”

“Does Sloane know about this?”

“No,” I clip, shooting him a look. “It’s none of her fucking business.”

“I have a hunch she would disagree about that,” he says wryly.

“Well, she’s entitled to her opinion.”

Hex leans forward, steepling his hands on the table. “What’s going on with you, Kill?”

“Nothing is going on with me.”

“Really? Because you have the Hope diamond of human beings for a future wife and a fortune bigger than all of ours coming to you, and you’re acting like it’s a fucking albatross.”

I shake my head because I’ve thought about bringing it up, but it’s the kind of thing you can’t take back. Once it’s out there, they know where I’m at in all this, and if there’s no way to dissolve it…

“Have you taken your eye off the prize, Kill?”


“Then why are you set on avenging Brynn?”

“It’s nothing,” I tell him. “A promise I made to her before that I still want to make good on.”

“You sure? Because I’ve gotta say, Kill, I’ve never known you to strap on a suit of armor before this girl, but you’re still looking pretty fucking shiny to me. What’s your end game here?”

“Same as it’s always been,” I state, but the words feel like a lie on my tongue.

“So Brynn doesn’t mean anything to you? You’ve cut her loose and this is just a farewell gesture before you marry Sloane?”

“That’s right.”

He nods, watching me. “Good. Then you won’t mind if I go after her.”

My blood runs cold.

I’m hyperaware of all of them watching me for a reaction, and it feels less like sitting at a table with my friends than being at the center of a pit of vipers, all poised to strike if a threat makes itself known.
