Page 203 of Brutal Ambition

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He frowns. “What?”

“Killian… I’m pregnant.”

He stares at me for a split second, unable to process what I’m saying.

I swallow, my heart in my throat and my stomach rocking with nerves.

Then the crazy man grins. “Are you serious?”

“Yes! And it’s your fault.”

“Well, obviously,” he says.

I scowl since I’m not getting the reaction I want. “You canceled my appointment at the student health center when I was supposed to get on birth control.”

“I may have done that.”

“And I didn’t reschedule it because we were broken up, so I thought I didn’t need it anymore.”

“A logical conclusion,” he states, still smiling.

“Why are you smiling?” I ask, confused and a little mad.

“Why wouldn’t I be? You’re not fucking with me, are you? Just trying to teach me a lesson about being an overbearing asshole?”

“I wish,” I say, my confusion growing when he slides his hand across my tummy and splays his fingers possessively. The gesture makes my heart ache with longing, but I don’t understand. “Why are you… happy?”

He sighs, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against him. “Because it’s a great fucking day, Brynn. That’s why.”

Well, this is not the reaction I was expecting.

Holding me a little tighter, he murmurs, “You’re going to have my baby.”

My heart flutters hearing those words from his mouth.

It sounds silly, but I hadn’t thought of it that way yet.

My brain was looking at the chaos factor, at all the ways this is going to derail the life I had planned, but… I guess there’s an upside, too.

It’s just a small upside by comparison.

I swallow, hating to bring it up, but also needing to bring him back to reality. “I don’t think the other people in your life are going to be very happy about this development.”

Killian pulls me back and looks down at me. Then he reaches over for something on his nightstand. “This wasn’t how I planned to do this, but…”

I frown, watching him grab a little box and put it between us on the bed. It looks like a jewelry box, but it feels mean to give me jewelry when I explicitly told him all that was missing from my stupid mistress package was—

He opens the box, and I gasp at the sight of a gorgeous platinum band set with little diamonds all the way around it. In the center is a large round diamond surrounded by tiny sapphires, then an outer halo of small diamonds angled to look almost like a flower.

“Oh, Killian. It’s beautiful.”

“You like it?” He takes the ring out of the box, grabbing my left hand and gently sliding the band on my ring finger.

My heart squeezes. “Maybe we shouldn’t put it on that finger.”

“Why? That’s where an engagement ring’s supposed to go.”

His words are like a punch to the gut. I start to take the ring off. “You can’t be engaged to two people at once,” I state.
