Page 29 of Brutal Ambition

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I’m tempted to go in there with her, but I don’t since she put in so much effort making sure I was neatly bandaged before bed.

While she’s in the shower, I get comfortable and grab my phone so I can touch base with the guys. I’ve been so busy with her, I haven’t had a chance to check in with Shane or Hex to see how things are going with the Rho Kappas.

I’m between texting Ryan and responding to their updates when suddenly, my focus is torn away by a noise coming from the other side of the wall.


Brynn is singing in the shower.

And she has a great voice. Even through the filter of the wall, I can tell.

Can’t tell what she’s singing, though. The song sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t place it. It doesn’t sound like the kind of song that has a music video. Maybe a show tune. That would make sense. She is wearing a costume rooted in Broadway, after all. Movie version, sure, but still has its roots in—

Phantom of the Opera.

All I Ask of You.

Got it.

A faint smile tugs at my lips, picturing her lathering her long dark hair with fragrant shampoo in the steamy shower while she sings with all the gusto of the show’s ingénue performing for a sold-out theater.

But then that smile drops as my gaze does, too. It’s impossible to picture her in the shower without thinking about her naked, and as soon as I follow that thread, my thoughts turn a lot less wholesome. I can still see her singing to her audience in my mind’s eye, but now that she isn’t wearing any clothes, I have the most absurd impulse to rip her right off that stage before any of the rich fucks in the crowd can gawk at her.

I probably wouldn’t make a very good phantom. Can’t have her out there sharing her gifts with the world when I could keep them all for myself instead.

What the fuck?

Scowling at my own weird ass thoughts, I look down at my phone to see Ryan texting again, waiting for me to answer him.

“Yeah, sorry, I was busy having a fucking stroke. That sounds good.”

I can picture him smirking as he reads the message. “You need me to do a wellness check on you, too?”

“No. Just the roommate. Thanks.”

Sighing, I put my phone down and close my eyes, but with my responsibilities taken care of for the moment, I find my attention singularly focused on the pretty little songbird steaming up my bathroom.

All alone, too.

Such a fucking shame.

She’s a virgin, though. It’s too messy to fuck a virgin when you have no intention of getting attached.


I suppose virgin doesn’t necessarily mean completely inexperienced. Maybe I could play with her a little without making things too complicated.

My thoughts drift back to earlier tonight when I had her on the ground beneath me in the woods, the way her tits looked in that bodice. Everything about her was so fucking sexy—her rosy cheeks, her long curly hair mussed like she’d just been fucked around with…

It leaves me wondering how she looks when she’s truly been just fucked around with.

The shower turns off, and my cock stirs with interest.

“She’s not for you,” I murmur wryly, but he doesn’t seem to care.

As I listen to her quiet movements in my bathroom, I know she’s standing there naked—or if not naked, close to it. She has a bath towel but no clothes to change into. I told her I’d grab her something out of my closet to sleep in, but now that I’ve put so much thought into what she looks like naked, I’m wondering if I should grab her clothes after all.

How hard would it be to convince her to sleep naked in this bed with me?
