Page 73 of Brutal Ambition

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I pee and brush my teeth so I don’t have morning breath, then I grab my phone and my reusable water bottle off the bedside table. I glance over at his side, but he didn’t bring his water to bed, so I ease the door open and slip out of the bedroom.

I feel light and happy, like an old-school animated Disney princess. I’m Snow White, dancing through the cottage as I gather ingredients in Killian’s kitchen to make us breakfast. All I need is a really long dress to pick up while I dance around with Toast eyeing me from her perch on the arm of the couch.

“I see you judging me over there,” I tell her. “You want some breakfast?”

She does, so when she sees me get her food bowl, she climbs off the arm of the couch, then leaps down before prancing to the kitchen for her food.

It’s already eight o’clock and we both have class in a little over two hours. I know he got in late last night, but I need to shower and get ready, and we both need to eat.

I don’t want to have no time whatsoever to enjoy our first morning after, so I’ll need to wake him up soon, and why not with breakfast?

I put on a pot of coffee, too, since I know we’re both bound to be tired today.

I hum to myself as I’m cooking, and ready each plate. I made each of us a piece of buttered toast with a fried egg on top. I still have a few strawberries left and I need to use them up before they go bad, so I add two strawberries to each plate as well.

“There we go,” I murmur, adjusting his coffee cup next to his plate at the counter and mine next to mine.

I walk gently back to the bedroom, but when I open the door, I’m surprised to see him sitting up on the edge of the bed. He must have just woken up, and he’s checking his phone.

He glances back at me over his shoulder, and I grin, climbing across the bed so I can wrap my arms around his neck from behind.

“Good morning,” I murmur, hugging him.

His mouth tugs up, and he puts his phone back down on the bedside table. “Good morning. I take it you slept well.”

“For a few hours,” I say wryly, still smiling. “What about you?”

In one smooth motion, he turns, sliding his arm around my waist and rolling me onto my back. He ends up on top of me, looking down at me, and I can’t help sighing at how damn beautiful he is.

“How could I not?” he murmurs, leaning down to kiss me.

Interest stirs between my thighs, which I find mildly alarming, but I suppose after last night, and him having me in this position…

It doesn’t matter. There’s no time.

Ignoring my impulses, I tell him, “I made us breakfast.”

“How thoughtful.”

“And coffee,” I add.

His hands slide up my thighs until he’s holding my ass in his hands. “I think we should blow off class altogether and stay in bed today.”

I crack a smile. “And I think we should fly to Italy for dinner tonight—oh wait, that’s almost as crazy as what you suggested.”

He smirks down at me. “I’ve heard of crazier things.”

I shake my head. “I can’t. I have a test today, and basically the only way I can skip a class is if I die—and honestly, even then, I would request whoever I’m living with to do a Weekend at Bernie’s and haul me to classes for the rest of semester, if at all possible.”

“That’s dedication.”

I shrug. “What can I say? I’m a dedicated girl.”

“An admirable trait,” he says, kissing my collarbone.

I nod. “So is promptness, and we’re going to be late if we don’t get a move on.”

Reluctantly, he lets me drag him out of bed, and we head to the kitchen for breakfast.
