Page 78 of Brutal Ambition

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I… have no words.

“We’re hosting a fundraiser for them this weekend,” the girl tells me. “Since the fire was started in the middle of the night, all their belongings were inside the house. The guys who survived lost everything.”

I didn’t think it was possible for my heart to drop any lower, but it does. “The… guys who survived?”

Her eyes widen again as she realizes I’m unaware of the juiciest morsel. “Two of the guys died. At least two. There’s a third presently unaccounted for.”

Oh my god.

“Which two?”

“I don’t know. The names haven’t been released yet.”

Oh my god.

She touches her phone screen, searching for some other video she wants to show me, but I’m no longer paying attention.

Vaguely, I see another video start playing, and I see the girl’s mouth moving, indicating she’s talking, but I can’t hear past the buzzing in my ears, the furious pounding of my heart in my chest.

The Rho Kappa house burned down last night?

The same night Killian had to go out on “Blue Blood business” and not come home until god knows when?

I feel like I’m going to be sick. The girl—Vanessa I think was her name—sees me looking pale and grabs all my things off the sink, tossing them back in my bag.

“Come on, sit down. Are you okay? I know it’s a lot.”

Too many thoughts and feelings circle me at once. I can’t process all of it.

The girl sits next to me on the little bench in the locker room area. She texts while my head spins and I fight the impulse to dissociate again.

Because I don’t want to deal with this.

I don’t want to process the implications of this.

Yeah, the guys who trapped me in that basement were unequivocally assholes, but what about all the other guys who lived in that house? The innocent ones who had no idea it was even happening.

It was one thing when Killian joked about having a body count. I don’t know why. I guess he was up front with me literally from the moment we met about who he was and what he was involved with, but it didn’t feel scary.

This feels scary.

The guy I’m living with may have gone out with his friends last night and burned down a fucking house full of sleeping students, and I really don’t know how to process that.


I suppose it could be a coincidence.

It feels like I’m reaching, but I look over at the girl and ask anyway. “Did they say what started the fire?”

She shakes her head. “They don’t know. There will be an investigation and I’m sure they’ll figure it out, but it just happened last night, so obviously the story is still developing.”

And then there’s that.

What if they get caught?

Do I want them to get caught?

I feel like no, but I haven’t adjusted to the news yet. I need to take a beat. I need to think…

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