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“Oh fuck, angel! Being inside you…another dream come true.” His arms collapse, and he just barely catches himself before he crushes me.

But I love the feel of him on top of me, so I hook my arms under his shoulders and around his back, pulling him down until he’s flat against my chest as he lifts his hips, his dick sliding out until just the tip remains inside before he thrusts harder than before and completely fills me with his shaft.

We moan in unison. His is deep and rich, while mine is higher pitched at the shock and feel of being so full, the tip of his dick hitting the back of my channel.

I’ve had sex once before, but it was nothing like this. I barely remember it, only that it was all awkward limbs and over in less than a minute. Not a single part of it had been enjoyable.

But this…with James. This is everything. Pleasure consumes me as my already sated sex begins dripping with arousal anew, another orgasm building inside my core, and—

Everything grinds to a halt in the blink of an eye when we hear Lainey babbling through the baby monitor.

Chapter 15


If I thought the weekend was hard, it’s nothing compared to being back at school today after hightailing it out of James’s house like my pants were on fire. Running on fumes after only a handful of hours of sleep, I barely have the energy to keep my head up high as I walk through the hallways crammed with kids who have nothing better to do than to call me a slut or a skank and giggle as I pass. I can’t wait until I graduate and never have to see any of these people again, Tyler included. It’s my own special level of hell that I have to not only share the hallways and cafeteria with him but two of my classes as well.

I’m fifteen minutes late per usual to my pre-cal class after my first pump break of the day, and everyone turns in their seats to gawk at me when I walk through the door. They all know exactly why I’m late after the teacher, Mrs. Kolten, forced me to read my excuse note out loud on the very first day of class instead of taking it and reading it silently when I handed it to her. She had been mortified when I read that note, but none of her apologies could make up for the way my classmates lost their minds when they found out I was getting special treatment so I could pump my breast milk for my daughter between classes.

Even though I’ve been doing this for months now, and you’d think they’d be over it and move on, a few of them still snicker every single time I show up to class. Tyler, too, which is the worst of all. It’s his daughter I’m pumping milk for, yet he seems to think it’s the cringiest, grossest thing in the world.

James doesn’t think it’s gross.

Ugh, I can’t stop thinking about him long enough to pay attention in class, and I feel like crap for the way I panicked and left this morning. James is such a good man with a big heart who cares so much about me and my daughter when not many other people outside of my family do. And how do I repay him for all his kindness? For all the little ways he shows us that he cares about us? By pulling him in, then freaking out and pushing him away all weekend long, leaving him hurt and confused.

What happened this morning plays on a loop in my mind, over and over and over…the way he moaned as he pushed his huge cock inside me, how it felt to have his sweaty body pinning me to the mattress, how I’m still worked up since we didn’t get to finish after being interrupted.

I shake myself out of the memory and blow out a frustrated breath as I leave pre-cal and find my locker. I groan and bang my forehead against my open locker door, but what I really want to do is cry. In all my hurry to leave James’s house this morning, then get in and out of my own in hopes of avoiding Mom and the questions she’s bound to have, I forgot to grab my history textbook from my nightstand.

Mr. Heart—ironic last name—has been the biggest jerk out of all my teachers about my special treatment, even though my pumping breaks have never interrupted my time in his class. I don’t know what his problem is, but ever since he ran into me in the teacher’s lounge when I was putting away some bags of pumped milk, he’s found ways to dock points and lower my grade. He’ll be all too happy to do so today when I show up to class without my textbook.

And I was right. Ten points off my next test, further sinking my grade, despite the fact that I ace nearly all of my tests and essays. I spend more time on my history homework and studying for his class just to stay ahead of his bullcrap, and it’s barely enough to keep me hovering around a C plus.

I’m half in tears by the end of school, and I drive home as slowly as I can, knowing I have to face Mom when I get there. I’m emotionally spent as it is, and I splash water on my face and practice smiling in the bathroom mirror, hoping she won’t prod me about why I’m so tired and upset.

I should have known better than to expect she would be satisfied with the, “It was fine,” answer I give her when she asks about my weekend with James. Try as I might to get out of here quickly with Lainey to get to James’s house—though I’m not exactly in a hurry to face him either—she stops me when I edge my way too close to the front door.

“Shayla, wait. I’m sure James can manage for a few more minutes without you.” She cups my elbow and drags me to sit on the couch next to her.

I let Lainey down on the yellow and green play mat with a board book in place of where we would put a coffee table if we had one. She entertains herself quietly while Mom lays my brother, Brady, on his tummy on the mat next to her.

I try not to fidget with my hands as Mom leans back against the arm of the couch and crosses her legs, arranging her long, flowy paisley skirt around her ankles. She pulls her braided light brown-turning-gray hair over her shoulder to twirl the end while she turns to me. Playing with her hair is a nervous habit, so I know I probably won’t be happy with what she has to say.

“You’ve been spending so much time over there lately, I hardly get to see you, and it seems like you’re always in a rush to leave right after you get home.” She fixes her gray eyes that are a shade darker than mine on me, her eyebrows dipped slightly.

I sigh and lean back against the opposite arm. “I know, I’m sorry.”

“So tell me how things have been. How was this weekend? I want real answers this time.”

“It was pretty awful, actually. His family isn’t very nice to him, especially his mom, who you would hate. And they didn’t seem to care a lick about Grayson either, which I just don’t understand.”

She nods along and huffs as I give her a rundown of what happened with his family and how his mom treated us, skipping right over the fact that James and I had not only shared a hotel room, but a bed as well the whole weekend. By the end of it, the tears I’ve held back all day slowly begin to fall, but for a whole different reason.

I scoot forward and take her hand from her hair, placing it between mine. “It made me realize just how lucky I am to have you and Dad, and I really appreciate how much you’ve helped support me with Lainey. I just wish James had the same kind of support system.”

“Oh, honey, you know how much we love you and Lainey. You’ll always have our support.” She pauses for a beat, then says, “I’m glad you brought that up.” She leans forward and plants both feet on the ground. “Your dad and I have been talking, and…”

“And?” I ask with some trepidation, noting how she’s switched our hands so that hers are closed around mine.
