Page 31 of I Thought of You

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Koen eyes the door and nods toward it. “Did you have passion with him?”

So much.

“Not enough.”

“No?” he asks, sliding the puzzle pieces closer to him while I continue to eat my dinner one slow bite at a time.

“At the end of that summer, we let each other go.”

“Maybe this is a second chance.”

I wait for him to look at me, but he doesn’t. “It’s not.”

“How do you know?” He gives me another glance.

“Because I just do. He’s … dealing with something.”

“Is that what he said?”

“No. I just know him.”

Koen nods. “Why are you sharing this with me?”

“Because you kissed me tonight, and I hope you do it again. But I’m not good at lying or hiding my emotions.” I check the time. “And speaking of Price, I need to close the store.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

“I want you to stay.”

His expression leaks vulnerability and maybe … pleasure? “Then I’ll be here when you get done.”

I add my wrappers to the bag and toss it in the trash. “Thank you.”

“For staying?”

“Yes. For staying.” I slide on my shoes, pausing at the door before opening it.

Koen eyes me. These two men coming into my life simultaneously might seem like bad timing. But what if it’s perfect timing? What if one of these men is here to give memore,and the other is here to give me perspective?




I’m a natural.Not to brag (okay, I’m bragging a little), but I’ve not had a hiccup the whole night. I’ve made at least twenty dollars in tips from my soda and sundae-making skills and worked the register and credit card machine like a boss.

Just as I head to the door to shut off the sign, a woman in her late fifties, maybe early sixties, slips through the door.

“Good evening,” I say.

“Sorry. Are you closed?”

I shut off the neon light. “We are now, but you take your time as the lucky last customer of the day.”

“Thanks. I won’t dilly-dally. Where’s Scottie?”

“She has the night off. I’m the new guy, Price.”
