Page 67 of I Thought of You

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“Areyou going to be my granddaughter-in-law?” Herb asks, pushing his cart of fruit to the counter.

I didn’t think anything could beat the phone-on-speaker conversation. I was wrong.

“Uh …” I laugh nervously, weighing his produce. “Not to my knowledge.”

“Oh. The boy said you were moving in with him.”

“I am.”

Herb inspects me through narrowed eyes. I’ve never seen him be anything but jovial and full of smiles. Even a little flirty. This is the opposite of all those things.

“Surely not out of wedlock.”

Uh-oh …

“We haven’t ironed out all of the details. It’s not happening today or anything like that.”


Koen took tomorrow off to help me move my things. I told him I didn’t need help. I have limited belongings. But I think he’s a little anxious about me messing up his organization, hence the “help.”

“Phew.” He relaxes. “You had me going there for a minute.”

With a nervous “tee-hee,” I slide the produce into his reusable bag. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“His grandma, God rest her soul, would turn over in her grave if the boy didn’t first make you an honest woman.” He holds up his index finger and waggles it at me. “Don’t let him have the milk before he buys the cow.”

I choke on a bit of saliva. Is this really happening? Did he not hear us upstairs on Valentine’s Day? “No,” I say. “Uh … of course not. But I don’t think of myself as a cow.”

“It’s just an expression. But really, cows were once sacred. Think of it as a compliment.”

“Mmm.” I nod with a tight grin. “Well, it’s always nice seeing you.”

“Have a lovely day, Scottie.”

After he exits the store, I grab my phone.

Scottie: Your grandpa doesn’t want you to have free milk!

Koen: I’m lost

Scottie: He thinks we need to be married before we live together!

Koen: Lol


That’s his response.

After the remaining two customers check out, I call him.

“Hi.” He sounds cool and calm.

“He’s not joking, Koen. I have never seen him look so disappointed as he did when I confirmed we were moving in together. He said your grandmother would roll over in her grave.”

“Don’t worry about it. That’s not even possible. She was cremated.”
