Page 79 of Loyalty

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She made a sound in the back of her throat dismissing my claim. “You’re too cold. You need to get out of that wet uniform.”

I managed to summon a cocky grin. “Are you trying to undress me, Cadet?”

She shot me a withering look that told me that she had not forgotten what had happened between us or that I had rejected her. “I’m trying to return the favor and save you. Nothing more.”

“I did not mean—”

“You made it clear that we were over. I’m fine with that. I’ve moved on. That doesn’t mean I want you to die.” Her expression relaxed. “Not anymore, at least.”

I guessed that was all I could ask for, considering what I had said and done. It was too much to expect her to forget my words, even if she chose to forgive me. “I will take it.”

She gave me a curt nod and waved at my dripping uniform. “Now take that off, unless you want to die of hypothermia.”

As I peeled the fabric from my skin, clenching my teeth to keep them from chattering, Jess explored the crevices of the cave. The light didn’t reach the deepest parts, so she poked around in the shadows as I shed first my boots, blade, and pants and then my shirt.

When I stood in nothing but snug, black underwear that clung to my upper thighs, she turned back with an armful of pelts and furs. She opened her mouth, took in the sight of me, and swallowed hard.

“I guess you aren’t that cold,” she said softly, shaking her head and looking away abruptly. “I don’t know how old these are, and I’m not going to lie to you and tell you they smell fresh, but they will keep us warm.”

I took one of the furs from the pile she held and wrapped it eagerly around my shoulders. “This cave has been here for a long time, and I doubt we are the first to find it.”

Jess snuck a glance at me as she unfurled a fur on the rock floor. “You think academy cadets stocked this place with animal pelts?”

“I think this was used before the castle was an academy, and before it was inhabited by cadets.” I swept my gaze around the cave, noting marks carved into the walls and peeking from beneath the shimmery moss. “Ancient Drexians were a warrior species. I grew up hearing of battles for the castle that is now the academy and how clans swarmed the Gilded Peaks and attacked from the Restless Sea. The clans that prevailed became the elite clans that now rule the empire, but it was hard fought and not easily won.”

She continued to spread the pelts and furs on the cold stone, overlapping them to create more of a cushion. “So, you’ve always been badasses with a penchant for violence?”

“Does that not describe every species that remains dominant? Earth also has a violent history with the victors retaining control of the territory and resources.”

She straightened and held my gaze. “You might have a point.”

Now that I was not covered in wet fabric, my shivering had slowed, but my body ached, and my breathing was labored.

“You should lie down,” Jess ordered, pointing to the pile of furs. “Hopefully, our clothes will be dry by first light, and we can return to the academy, but for now, we need to rest and warm up.”

I followed her command, if only because my knees were weak, and my leg throbbed where it had previously healed. Once I was sitting, I looked up at her. “What about you?”

She frowned at me then started undressing in a huff. “The only reason I’m doing this is because I’m fucking cold and you’re too weak to try anything.”

I wanted to protest that I would never be too weak to be aroused by the sight of her shedding her clothes, but I wisely stayed silent. When she was only in a black bra and panties, she dropped onto the furs and pulled one over herself.

Then she cut a stern gaze over her shoulder at me. “If you even think of trying anything, I don’t care how injured you are, I will punch you in the throat. Got it?”

I blinked a few times, startled by the sharpness of her words but also oddly turned on by them. I had always thought I liked females to be submissive, but this fierce side of Jess fired something primal inside me. I pushed it down with a stern reminder to myself that I had no right to her anymore. I also might not have enough energy to survive an attack from her, even if she was only a small female. I feared any throat punch from her would contain all her fury at me. It would be vicious. “Got it.”

She pushed another fur toward me. “Try not to freeze to death before morning.”

I took the fur and covered myself, releasing a deep sigh. So much for saving her and professing my love. This was far from how I’d imagined our reunion going, although we were both alive. That was something.

But where was the Drexian who had wanted to make me suffer? I had a sinking feeling his thirst for revenge had not been sated.

I stared up at the ceiling as dusk darkened the stone above me. He would be back for more.



