Page 88 of Damaged Kingdom

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“Seems like you have more than enough allies now. I hope it doesn’t bite you in the ass.”

That prickling sensation at the back of my neck intensified, and I remembered just how much Two-Bit knew.

My mother. The Osorios.

Was he a plant? How did he have information that nobody should have known?

My paranoia was getting worse every day, but it didn’t feel out of place. Two-Bit was a master at hiding things. Peering at him from the corner of my eye, I leaned back, playing casual. “You’re a very smart man. Too smart to let random information slip when you shouldn’t. Is there something I need to know?”

“Not necessarily,” he said, copying my posture with a lazy sip of his drink. I could smell the whiskey. Top-shelf, but a brand I hadn’t included in the bar. Which meant he’d brought it himself.

Who the fuck was this guy?

“And yet your not necessarily comes from knowing information that has been practically burned from the history books. Who’s your resource for that?”

His smile reminded me of secrets whispered in the dark and never repeated. “Do you really think I’m going to give you that?”

Of course he wouldn’t. Nobody would give up their intel source without a fight, especially one who obviously had access to more than they should.

The fact was, there were only a few ways he could know about the hidden parts of my life, and none of them were good. Lucky for him, I didn’t want to wage another war when I had at least one on the horizon, but I no longer believed that Two-Bit could be ignored. Greyson had to look into him again. Soon.

Knowing that, I glanced back into the crowd. “Keep your source close. I don’t like people knowing too much about me.”

The threat was clear, but Two-Bit didn’t seem concerned. He dipped his head, though I saw the little smile that spoke heavily of I know something you don’t know. “Whatever you say, Mari. You’re the queen.”

“I hope you remember that. I’d hate for our future conversations to get messy.”

“I assure you, I’ll never forget.” He knocked his knuckles against the table once before leaving me, only for Shara to take his place.

The chair was turning into a fucking merry-go-round.

“Isn’t she gorgeous?” Shara gushed; eyes glazed from too much booze.

I peered over to find Ash smiling and laughing on my cousin’s arm, and she really did look incredible. Like every other bride. Happy, hopeful, in love. “She’s beautiful. Her team did a great job. Even Gretchen.”

The old dragon glared at me from the other side of the room like she’d heard every word, and I gave her a cheeky finger wave. Movement had my eyes snapping over to find Rafael moving toward me.

Well, fuck.

Hastily, I turned to Shara, who hadn’t seen him yet. “Do you remember when I told you about my uncle? The new one.”

“The one who looks like Antoni.” She bobbed her head to the music, looking as carefree as Ash. I hated to ruin it for her.

“He’s here, and he’s coming over. If you’d like to leave now, no one will fault you for it.”

Hesitation crossed her features along with a longing so intense it made my own chest ache. Then she straightened her shoulders, her eyes clearer than before. “No, I’ll stay.”

I’d never been prouder of a person in my life. If given the chance to meet my dead beloved’s doppelgänger, I wasn’t sure I’d do it, but Shara wasn’t me. She was born to confront pain, to heal wounds.

Under the table, I gripped her hand, hoping it gave her strength.

“I’ll be here the whole time,” I promised as Rafael stopped on the other side of the table with a slight inclination of his head. The only indication that Shara saw him was the tight grip she had on my fingers.

“Mariana, you look beautiful.”

“Thank you, Uncle. This is Shara, Antoni’s fiancée.”

Rafael held out his hand, but Shara was frozen. I turned to look at her, and her face gutted me. All I saw was heartbreak, pain, and grief so acute it swam in her eyes. My chest squeezed just looking at her. “Shara?”

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