Page 65 of Leather Dreams

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“Fuck, I gotta cum.” They all rapid fire at me. I wail my approval before ropes of cum slam into my mouth. They are bitter, but I’m not a spitter nor a quitter, so I shove him down my throat and let him go. Warmth fills my pussy as Prez fills me to the brim with his own release. Tornado’s abs clench tightly while I watch the base of his cock twitch with his own release.

“Holy shit,” Prez gasps, pulling out of me slowly. I untangle myself from Knuckles while Tornado gently removes himself. We all collapse in a heap on the bed, gasping and smiling with pure satisfaction.

“I love you guys,” I say softly, smiling widely to myself. They snuggle closer to me, their body heat like giant radiators on me.

Nothing could ruin this moment.

Chapter Fifty-One


We must have fallen asleep because a loud knock jars me awake. Rubbing my eyes, I disentangle myself from the others and get halfway to the door before I realize I’m naked. Looking at my watch, my eyes practically bug out of my head. Our flight is in less than two hours, and we haven’t finished packing.

“Shit, guys, we have to go,” I shout, shaking Knuckles knowing he’s less likely to punch me for waking him up.

“Five more minutes,” he grumbles sleepily, tucking himself tighter around Leather. Rolling my eyes, I snap my hand into his ass and he jolts awake. “What the fuck was that for?”

“We gotta go, we’re late to the airport,” I say, and that seems to get him into action. Jumping out of the bed, he races around the room to collect things for us. Leather and Tornado slowly rise, sluggishly moving around the room to get their shit packed. We don’t have a lot, so thankfully it only takes a few minutes before we’re walking out the door. Leather leads the way, tossing bags into the trunk of the car.

“Blaine,” Daryn calls. I turn to look over my shoulder, and he’s waving his hands around like a freaking maniac. As I predicted, Leather’s spine snaps straight and she’s immediately on edge, not bothering to turn around and look at him.

“What did you just call me?” She questions, though the tone is one that is deathly quiet, like a snake ready to strike.

“Uhm, I called you by your name?” He asks, though he’s not as confident as he was just a moment ago. “I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to call you that.”

“That’s not true,” I pipe up, stopping next to Leather. Leaning against the open hatch, I shrug a shoulder. “He already knows not to call you that name, he just refused to acknowledge it. Funnily enough, his road name is Nemo, but I suppose he failed to mention that.”

“She’s my sister, I don’t have to call her by her damn road name!” He shouts. If he was a dragon, he would have smoke rolling from his nostrils.

“I stopped being your sister the day you decided to put my life in your hands,” she whispers, taking a step away from the car. Continuing to grace him with her back, she steps aside while Knuckles and Tornado chuck their packs into the trunk. Both guys watch on warily but don’t say anything.

“Blaine, come on-” he grabs her shoulder, and that’s the end game. He didn’t seem to read the audience. Leather is jumpy and will defend at the drop of a dime. If you touch her while she’s on high alert without already making your presence known? Well, game over.

She reaches back quickly and grabs his wrist. Daryn barely gets the chance to register what’s happening before Leather does a grab and spin, and sends him flying over her shoulder. He lands on the ground roughly, the air whooshing from his lungs as Leather grabs his arms and flips him onto his stomach. She pins him to the ground, leaning in closely.

“I am Leather now. Hop on the wagon, or fall off.” She gets up off of him, storms over to the trunk and slams it shut. None of us say otherwise as we hop into the SUV. Tornado sidles up next to Leather by the window and whispers something in her ear. She smirks, nodding as her head leans against his shoulder. A few moments later, a wheezing Daryn gets into the passenger seat while one of the prospects drives us to their airport. Glancing at my watch, I hope that traffic isn’t that bad. We can practically skip through security, so that’s no problem, but if we don’t get there with at least thirty minutes to spare, we’ll have to delay until tomorrow. For everyone’s sake, we better make that damn plane today.

The ride is silent beside the occasional giggle from Leather and the other two. From my seat next to Knuckles, I watch silently as he leans against the back of the seat in front of him to get as close as possible to Leather. Tornado sits next to her with his leg tucked into the seat, watching her with his own sense of fascination. Leather bounces between them easily, like a simple conversation being volleyed back and forth. None of the struggle to keep up with the perfect threesome. As if on cue, Leather glances past the two guys in front of her and smiles directly at me.

“So, did you at least enjoy the trip?” She asks playfull, her eyes full of mirth. Shaking my head with a smirk, I scoot to the edge of my seat and crook my finger at her. She wiggles toward me, lightly shoving Tornado out of the way. He moves easily with a chuckle, both hands raised in surrender and nods his head in understanding.

“If I didn’t have to go save a little damsel in distress, I think it would have been worth it to sight see,” I remark casually as if it’s an everyday ordeal. “Sadly, the sight seeing had to be canceled, and I had to go rescue this pretty auburn haired woman that needed saving.”

“Tell me more about this girl,” Leather whispers, leaning her head against the seat back. My head lays down next to hers, though I’m from the back seat and she’s from the front. Our faces are close, too close to keep my eyes open so they shut.

“Well, she’s a stunning young woman, far out of my league if I do say so myself. She usually doesn’t require any saving, but luck struck out, and I had the opportunity to win her over.” I can’t see her, but with the little puff of air that hits my face and the barely-there huff, I know she’s smiling.

“What else?”

“She’s exceptionally needy,” I tease, earning a playful head bump from her. “She is also one of the most dedicated women I have ever met in this lifetime, and I hope she will make me the happiest man in the world by staying at my side through thick and thin.” Leaning back, I open my eyes to see her stunned face. Tornado and Knuckles smirk, understanding where I’m going with this since they were also in on the plan.

“What?” The confusion in her tone is palpable, but she also looks happy. Very happy.

Sitting up, Tornado and Knuckles come closer to Leather and I. “We were going to wait to make this romantic, but nothing about the three of us screams romance,” Knuckles jokes. “But when we lost you, it was enough for us to realize how much you truly meant to us.”

“When I got back to the club, there was no hesitation. I jumped right in as soon as the doc gave me clearance. There was nothing to stop me from getting you back, even if it meant walking through gun fire to get you back,” Tornado says with conviction.

“We know the journey hasn’t been ideal. There wasn’t romance nor flowers, this isn’t even the conventional way of doing this, but when do we ever do things society says is necessary?” I quiz, raising a brow as she sniffles. Her eyes are bright, her face slightly red as she holds back, what I’m assuming are, happy tears.
