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“Yeah—entitled white guys born with a platinum spoon up their ass. You can’t buy me, Magnus.”

He held up his hand, either as a gesture of surrender or an aborted attempt to touch her. “I’m trying to make your life easier, Keela. I want you to see what I can offer you.”

She glared at him. “Offer me for what? A quick fuck?”

He shook his head. “No. There will be nothing quick about it, Keela, and it won’t be a one-time thing.”

She shook her head. “It won’t be an ever thing, Simon. Whatever you’re looking for isn’t happening. You’re imagining it all.”

“Liar.” He said it like an endearment. “Kiss me, Keela. Do that to convince me you feel nothing, and I’ll leave you alone.”

She narrowed her eyes. “That’s it? No spark, no attraction, and we’re done? You’ll take back your money?”

“I can’t do that,” he said gently. “Too much of it has been spent.”

She sighed. “Fine, then you’ll accept payments?” For the rest of her life? It would take that long to clear the debt, which was a discouraging thought.

He paused, and then nodded. “Sure, if you can convince me you don’t want me, I’ll let you pay me back. I’ll even tack on the twelve thousand dollars it cost to repair my Ferrari if that will make you happy?”

“Frigging ecstatic.” Taking a deep breath, she braced herself for his touch. She absolutely could not react in any fashion if she wanted him to stop interfering with her life. The last thing she wanted was a bossing, domineering lover trying to control everything.

As though he did it to confound her expectations of forceful and demanding, his lips were tender against hers when he pulled her closer for the kiss. She stood impassively as he shaped his lips to hers, reminding herself she couldn’t react. She was still repeating that mantra as her fisted hands slowly relaxed before plastering themselves to his back.

Keela pulled him closer as he dipped his head to run his lips down her cheek. His tongue traced her jaw line up to her ear, where he drew the lobe between his lips to bite delicately. She trembled at the onslaught, and her entire body responded. “Oh, Simon,” she whispered, feeling like a weak ninny. Giving in was letting him buy her.

Abruptly, she turned her head to put space between them. “I’m not for sale, Simon.”

His hand under her chin forced her to turn her head to meet his earnest blue eyes. “I know that. I’m not trying to buy you, Keela. I want you on any terms, but only if it’s what you want too. Let me make love to you because your panties are soaking wet, and your nipples are hard enough to poke out my eyes.” A faint rasp underlay his words, and his cheeks had flushed red. “Don’t do it for money or any other reason, except you want to.”

She closed her eyes for a second, so torn and so tempted. “Look, Simon…” She moistened her lips. “I’m a virgin. I know it’s silly and old-fashioned to be without experience at the age of twenty-three, but I haven’t met the right one.”

He looked devastated. “You’re waiting for marriage?”

She shook her head. “No. Just someone who makes me feel it. I can’t describe it. I’ll just know.”

He slumped forward, resting his forehead against hers. “And I don’t make you feel it?”

She wanted to deny it, to pretend he didn’t. Still irked with the way he’d summoned her here, assuming she would screw him because he’d put a huge sum of money into her account and settled her debts, she wanted to shove him away and walk out with her head held high.

Unfortunately for her pride, she wanted him between her thighs even more. With a soft sigh of surrender, she stretched to brush her mouth against his jaw. His hand loosened on her face, and his fingers stroked down her neck. “You do. I feel it everywhere.”

Simon groaned and pulled her into his arms. She gasped with surprise that turned to a giggle when he swung her into his arms to take her to the nearest couch. Her back hit the plush upholstery hard enough to make her wince when he dropped her, but she had no time to recover.

In seconds, his nimble fingers were stripping her bare. The days he’d been forced to wait must have sent his desire to a fever pitch, because he stripped her with ruthless precision. She imagined it was the same way he approached his business endeavors.

Keela didn’t resist, and didn’t want to, when he tugged off her jeans and peeled off her T-shirt. A plain white bra went next, revealing her breasts. She moaned with delight when he bent down to run his tongue across one nut-brown nipple.

“You’re so lovely, Keela.” He grasped both her breasts before burying his face in her cleavage. Simon sucked and licked the skin there until she was squirming. When he lifted his head, his gaze was smoky with desire. “Lay back and spread your legs.”

Heat scorched her face as she followed his command. It was embarrassing to be laid bare before a virtual stranger, especially since she’d never let a date get below the waist. She slipped her fingers into the elastic waistband.


The forcefulness of his demand made her shiver, and her folds grew slicker. She licked her lips. “Don’t you want to see me?”

Simon nodded as he stepped between her legs. Grasping her thighs, he changed her angle, adjusting her so her feet rested on the glass coffee table. “I want to see, smell, and taste you, baby.” He knelt between her legs, his knees padded by the thick carpet.

She whimpered when he stroked her through the cotton panties.

“Damn, you’re wet. This white cotton is translucent.” Simon bent his head, his nose brushing her slit a second later as he inhaled deeply. “Sweet too. I can’t wait to make love to you. I’ve been dreaming about it since the day you slammed into my car.”

This was not how she had pictured her first time making love. In her fantasies, her unseen lover had been sweet and gentle, almost worshipful in his gratitude that she had yielded to him. For years, that was what she thought she’d wanted, but Keela realized she was wrong about that by the time he stripped her panties to mid-thigh and took her heat into his mouth.

She cried out as Simon greedily guzzled her nectar, his tongue stroking her insides until she produced even more fluid. Her fingers grasped his hair, and she pulled him closer as she arched against his face. “Oh, Simon.” This was a hundred times better than she’d imagined. A thousand even. His rough, confident way of tasting her had her hovering on the edge of orgasm in just a few minutes.

He pulled away just as she started to come, and she couldn’t help whining a bit. “I was almost t


He nodded, looking like an arrogant prick. “I know, but it’s better if we go together.”

She scowled at him. “You’re nowhere near that point.”

Simon laughed. “I’m so close to coming that it’s embarrassing.” He stripped off his shirt as he spoke, revealing a muscled chest with a light dusting of hair a shade darker than his head. His hungry gaze roamed over her. “Touch yourself for me, honey. Pet that pretty pussy.”

She was surely blushing brightly enough by now to guide Santa’s sleigh. “I…that’s pointless.”

He slowed his pace, working his zipper down a millimeter at a time. “Come on. I promise if you get yourself off before I get undressed, I won’t make you wait for me.” Looking wicked, he added, “And I’ll make sure you get another one before I come.”

Feeling shy, she tentatively stroked herself. It wasn’t foreign territory. She’d spent lots of nights touching herself and learning what pleased her. Despite her familiarity with herself, it was strange and awkward to masturbate in front of a stranger.

And arousing, she admitted, as her fingers slid easily inside her slick folds. She started stroking her clit, closing her eyes as she focused all her attention on the pleasure she stirred. Keela arched against her hand and held her breath as the rising tide of climax approached.

Simon wrenching her hand from her folds had her voicing a small scream of frustration. “You sadistic jerk.”

“You knew my terms.” He licked her fingers before lifting her thighs to bring her ass to the edge of the couch. Simon sat on the table as he pulled her forward. His cock was solid and imposing as it nudged her entrance. “Now you have to wait until I’m ready.”

“Are you always such a demanding…?” Unable to come up with the right word, she let the question hang unfinished.

“Yes, but you like it.”

His tone was full of amusement, but also rich with knowledge she couldn’t refute. So far, she loved this bossy, dominant man’s take-charge manner in the bedroom. Well, the office. As long as he kept it confined to this area only, she could handle it. “Please take me, Simon.”
