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This is the complete collection of the serial in one volume for your convenience. If you prefer, the individual installments are also available to buy or borrow for free with Kindle Unlimited:

Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3

Surprise baby for the billionaire

It was supposed to be one night to celebrate her promotion, a harmless fling with a stranger in a nightclub. Instead, Jake is actually billionaire Wallace Whitcomb Jacobi and her new boss. Their resolve to forget the shared night of passion and behave as aloof professionals soon falls apart under the force of their mutual attraction. Sondra knows the sensible choice is to resign—not just because she can't keep her hands off her boss, but because the consequences of one night will last nine months and beyond.

Here’s a little excerpt for my loyal fans!

It was a cliché to say their eyes locked across the crowded club, and everyone else disappeared. Sondra’s lips quirked, happy she had gotten a bachelor’s degree in business administration instead of creative writing. The fleeting thought fled her mind as he moved closer.

Stalking her. The thought gave her a pleasant little thrill. She watched the dark-haired white guy heading toward her with single-minded determination. His lean body moved through the crowd like a big cat on the savanna. She was his prey, and when he caught her, he would eat her up.

Licking her lips, she straightened the hem of her red dress and smoothed her hands down over her curvy hips before striding forward to meet him.

“Can I buy you a drink?” they asked each other simultaneously.

She smiled and nodded, walking close to him without touching as they made their way to the bar. It was strange to be so attracted to someone so abruptly, when she was normally cautious and analytical. It couldn’t be the two glasses of champagne she’d had with her girlfriends upon their arrival, since that had barely given her a buzz. It had to be the man himself.

Discreetly, she inhaled his scent as she was forced to press close against him to avoid colliding with a dancing couple. He smelled like sandalwood and something unidentifiable but crisply masculine. As he placed orders for their drinks—screwdriver for her and scotch on the rocks for himself—she studied him.

His hair was short and businesslike, but the light dusting of stubble ruined the corporate look. His tight jeans and black T-shirt were deceptively casual, but could have been designer. That was the odd thing about expensive clothes. If done properly, they often looked bargain basement. It still confused her even after her friend Maevyn had tried to explain it to her.

When he stretched across the teak bar to grab their drinks, she got a quick glance at his butt. Molded by tight denim, it was obviously taut and muscular. The kind of ass a girl’s fingers could dig into and hold on for the ride.

As he turned to hand her the drink, she went for an innocent smile, but was pretty sure he’d caught her checking out his backside just by the twinkle in his eyes and the satisfied smirk on his lips.

There were no free tables, and as much as she loved Mae and Dani, she wasn’t sharing the yummy man before her, so she didn’t suggest sitting at the table her group had snagged earlier. Instead, they found a quieter corner and leaned against the wall, sipping their drinks and making small talk.

“Do you come here often?” he asked a few minutes later.

She shook her head, making silky strands of straight hair brush against her cheeks. Normally, she let it curl as it was wont to do, but had taken a little extra time tonight. The effort seemed to be worth it if she had caught the attention of the man standing beside her.

The man… Lord, she didn’t even know his name, and they’d been talking for a few minutes. “I’ve been here a few times, but I’m usually not a nightclub person—especially on a work night. Um, what’s your name?” She extended her hand. “I’m Sondra.”

He took her hand slowly, his fingertips caressing hers before brushing across her palms in a sensuous manner that made her stomach clench. When he grasped her hand firmly, her heartbeat increased, and she didn’t protest when he kept hold of it instead of releasing her.


“Jake.” She repeated the name carefully, savoring it and drawing it out from one syllable to a purr. “What about you, Jake. Do you come here often?”

He lifted a shoulder. “It’s near my apartment, but I don’t often have the time. Maybe a couple of times per quarter.”

She giggled at the business-speak. “I can tell you’re another corporate drone.”

His ears reddened slightly, and his brown eyes darkened. “I…what?”

She squeezed his hand. “I am too.” Lifting the glass in her other hand, she said, “Though I suppose I’m a little less of a drone as of today. I start my new job tomorrow as a personal assistant to the executive assistant of the CEO.”

“Oh.” He sipped his drink. “Is it your first job?”

Sondra snorted. “Hardly. I’m twenty-seven. I’ve been slaving away in the bowels of WWJ Industries since I finished college.”

He froze for a second before saying, “I guess you impressed someone to get promoted so quickly.”

She could have gone for false modesty, but decided to be direct instead. “Yes. I’m very impressive in many areas.”

Jake quirked a brow. “I can imagine.” The smoky look he gave her from the top of her sleek dark hair to the tip of her red slingbacks left no doubt exactly what he was imagining.

Impulsively, she finished her drink in a long gulp, partly for courage and partly to dispense with it. Then she met his gaze. “Do you want to get out of here, Jake?”

He hesitated for just a second before setting down his half-finished drink on someone else’s table, ignoring their glare. Tugging lightly on her hand pulled her against him, and she set her glass beside his, suppressing a chuckle at the outraged comments from the table’s occupants.

She seemed to magically glide on air currents as he hurried her from the club. She lifted her hand to hail a taxi, but he captured it with his, holding both of hers for a second.

“My place is just a couple of blocks up the street.”

“Okay.” Briefly, she considered the idea of running back into the club to let her friends know she was leaving, and with whom, but decided against it. Perhaps she was behaving recklessly, but since she never did, it was an experience she deserved to fully enjoy.

They walked briskly down the street. It was a warm summer night, with only the slightest breeze stirring occasionally, but she was in no mood to enjoy the balmy evening. The prospect of enjoying Jake loomed instead, and she was eager for it.

As she walked into his building with him, eyes widening at the elegant lobby, she had a moment of feeling out of her element. This was a far cry from growing up in a tiny apartment in a seedy area of town. Even her current apartment, shared with Mae and Dani, was a hovel in comparison—and this was just the foyer.

“Good evening, Mr. Jac—”

“Hello, Thomas.” Jake sped by the luxurious reception desk, complete with the uniformed greeter, almost dragging her behind him as they entered the elevator.

She was nearly surprised not to find an attendant waiting to press the button for them. Eyeing him for a second as he selected the top floor, she said, “Hmm, maybe not a drone, Jake.”


Sondra smiled. “You aren’t a corporate drone.”

He lifted a shoulder. “I’m in management.”

Immediately, she pictured the lead of the admin department and the woman she would report to with her new promotion. Compared to the sleek but uptight Eleanor Clevage, he looked nothing like a junior executive. She was grateful for that, not wanting to think about Clevage when they were having sex.

Having sex.

The words circulated in her mind, and the voice of common sense tried to chastise her. Are you really going to have sex with some guy you just met?


It’s a terrible idea.


You really shouldn’t—

Shut up, she told herself firmly, determined to let hormones win over intellect tonight. It had been way too long since she’d had sex with something not powered by batteries, and the delicious hunk of white chocolate leading her into his spacious apartment was an indulgence she deserved. It was just one night and purely physical, so what could it hurt?

He closed the door behind them, and she stood to the side of the entryway as she waited for him to pass her and lead her down the marble floor. Silk wallpaper glided under her fingertips when she trailed them down the wall as they walked. It was a beautiful place, and Jake was clearly loaded, but she didn’t give a darn about what was in the wallet stuffed in his pants.

She was far more interested in what else he kept in those snug jeans. When he led her into a large living room, she stood near him. “Lovely apartment.” It probably was, but she was beyond noticing much of it. Looking closely would mean tearing her gaze from his.


She shook her head.


Sondra smiled. “No, thanks, but I wouldn’t say no to lying down.” With a wink, she put her hand on his arm and leaned closer to him. Where had this teasing temptress come from? Perhaps she had been repressing this side of herself too long in her pursuit of financial security and career advancement.
