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She knew that Roger must have had something to do with it, but what alarmed her was that the supply manager must also be in on the scheme. There was no way that Roger could work alone. It was the supply manager’s job to countercheck all items received against the order.

Back in her office, she slumped in her chair, wondering what to do next. Her headache took on a new intensity and she rubbed her temple.

“Can I do that for you?” The familiar, oily voice leered.

Kelly groaned inwardly and didn’t open her eyes. She hoped that when she opened them he would have disappeared.

She hadn’t seen Roger in weeks and she had clung to the faint hope that he had found a new victim to terrorize. She looked warily at him now and recalled his assault weeks earlier. The only good thing about it was that he had been caught on camera. But before doing anything about bringing him to justice she needed to find out for sure that he was the one stealing from the company.

In spite of herself, Kelly felt a wave of fear at his approaching form. He must have seen it because he said: “Little Kelly, frightened of me are you? You should be, I’m not a man to play games with, and I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

Kelly swallowed hard and fought the temptation to lick her dry lips. She knew that Pervy Roger would view it as a seductive gesture.

“Hello, Roger,” Kelly said.

“Look at you all prim and proper when I know you’re a tigress when you’re with a man who knows what he’s doing. So when is it Kelly? Tonight?” Roger demanded, placing his hands on her desk and leaning towards her. Kelly felt stifled by his close presence and she could not think. She looked around desperately searching for a means of distracting him.

“For what?” she said, feigning ignorance.

“Don’t play with me, Kelly. I’m giving you this last chance. I don’t understand you women. What will it cost you, one lousy night of pleasing a man who could change your fortunes?”

“Look, I can’t think right now. My head’s killing me.”

“Take a Tylenol,” Roger said in a sweet voice.

“I tried, it won’t work. And actually I was just about to take the day off,” Kelly said.

“Take two,” he said and then backed off, seemingly in deep thought. “Give me your address. I’ll pop in tomorrow to check on you.”

It was too much for Kelly and her temper exploded. She was tired of the cat and mouse games and it was time to put a stop to it. Now she knew how Raina had felt. Kelly felt pushed to the edge and she did not care about the consequences anymore. As far as she was concerned, Roger could go to hell.

“Drop dead, Roger. I wouldn’t touch you with a one hundred-foot stick if you were the only man left in the world.” She started to gather her purse and other personal items, knowing she had to leave quickly to escape him.

Roger moved like lightening and the next thing Kelly felt was a burning pain on her cheek as he slapped her. “You fucking bitch, who the hell do you think you are? You’re a worthless little tramp, and don’t think you won’t pay for this.”

Kelly gripped her cheek. Tears of anger and humiliation ran down her cheeks and before she could say a word, the bastard strolled smugly out of her office. She wiped the tears from her face with an angry sweep of her hand. The idea of a day off had been a way to get Roger out of her office, but now, she decided to take it.

She took her handbag and went to the Human Resources office. She explained that she was unwell and left as quickly as her long legs could carry her. In the lobby, she set her face into a cold mask when she saw Roger walking in her direction.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he said in a cold tone.

“Taking the day off, I’m not feeling well,” Kelly answered, gritting her teeth.

“Go on, just know there are consequences for everything.” he warned her ominously.

Kelly refused to be intimidated anymore. She lifted her chin, gave him a cold stare, and she marched off and left him standing there.

In the second floor apartment where she lived, Kelly kicked off her shoes and sank gratefully onto the couch. It felt odd to be home at noon but the silence was marvelous. She stretched out her legs and reveled in being away from the poisonous atmosphere at the h


After a nap, Kelly woke up to find that the headache was gone and her muscles had relaxed. The power nap was just what she had needed. She went to the small kitchen and made herself a cup of coffee. As the machine brewed, she looked out of the window, her mind far away.

She had to figure out what to do with the camera recordings that she now possessed. She had been smart enough to make several copies and stash them various places.

But then, she remembered the emails from Raina’s office email address. Her hands flew to her mouth. For all she knew, Roger was probably seated in her chair writing a similar email to more supposed suppliers. He could frame her just as easily and make it look like she’d been in on Raina’s schemes.

Damn it!
