Page 2 of Bombshell

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Throwing her head back confidentially, Bombshell walked into the back stage area, prepared to win the competition.

Chapter Two

On the way to his fishing cabin, Merrick Flynn stopped at the large country bar to get something for dinner. He knew his cabin wouldn’t be stocked with much, since he’d neglected to inform the new caretakers that he was coming for the weekend.

The nightclub was humming and quite packed. He wanted to sit at a table and not at the bar while he ate, but all the tables were taken. He was about to order his food to go, when he spotted some people leaving a table near the front of the room. He snagged it and put his jacket on the back of his chair, then looked around for a server.

When she arrived a few moments later, she jutted out one hip and gave him a sexy smile. “Well, hello, handsome,” she said, flipping her hair.

Merrick lifted both eyebrows and gave her the once-over. Pretty, in a hard sort of way, she looked like a girl who worked out and spent a lot of time in a tanning bed. He wondered immediately what she’d be like in his bed, and if she could handle him. “Hello,” he replied, matching her interested tone.

“I haven’t seen you before. Don’t tell me you’re just passing through.”

“I have a fishing cabin. I come around from time to time,” he said, giving her a meaningful glance.

Her eyes flashed knowingly as a sexy smile stretched her tight face. “I like fishing, but only if the fish are big.” On the last words, she leaned over, to get a better glance at his package.


k’s lips curved into a wicked smile and his voice dropped an octave. “Honey, I’ve got the biggest fish you’ve ever seen.”

A spark of excitement flashed through her eyes, and her lips parted into a curios O shape. He knew that she’d seen the outline of his flaccid, yet impressive member, and he liked the way it affected her.

“Tina! Stop flirting with the customers,” yelled a man’s voice from behind Merrick. Merrick turned his head casually and saw a bartender, glaring at his server.

“Whatever, Sam,” she said.

The server named Tina, stopped flirting long enough to take his order, then she hurried off.

Energized by the unexpected round of flirting, Merrick reconsidered his original plans for the weekend. He’d run off from work without even telling his staff what he was up to, to have a chance to decompress and reevaluate everything in his life. He’d intended to do some fishing and maybe go hiking, and then do some work from the cabin.

He hadn’t thought about another way to decompress. He’d been so busy dealing with one construction or talent crisis after another that he’d seriously neglected his cock. Maybe all he really needed to get unstuck and move forward with his life was to indulge in a weekend of serious fucking. He hoped Tina was as interested as she appeared.

When Tina arrived with his food, he played it cool, thanking her for the food without another fishy innuendo. He’d learned from the best – his younger half-brother Tony, a total player from New Jersey. According to Tony, chicks preferred men who didn’t come off desperate. “Act like you could take them or leave them, and they’ll want to go home with you every time,” he’d say.

“Will that be all?” she said, trying to make him set the hook.

“No, I’m fine.”

Merrick started to take in the rest of the bar, and sensed her falter. He was reeling her in. “Are you sure?” she asked, her voice turning seductive.

Merrick gave a noncommittal shrug, as if to say, “whatever.” Merrick caught the look in her eye as her confidence dropped for a split second, and wondered for a moment if he’d hurt her feelings, gone too far, with his tough guy persona. He resisted the urge to apologize and try and make her feel better and was rewarded when she tossed her hair and made another attempt.

“I mean, I’d like to see you – and catch that fish,” she said winking in a meaningful way in the direction of his lap. That was enough for Merrick to respond. She’d taken the bait and he had her hook, line and sinker. It was time to reel her in.

“Oh, yeah?” he said, lifting one eye brow mischievously, still being careful to control the drag on the line.

“Yeah,” she said a little breathlessly. He saw her small rack heaving behind her tight shirt. “Here, let me give you my number.” She took a napkin from the tray she’d set down on his table and grabbed a pen. As she wrote, she bent from her waist and gave Merrick a perfect view of slight but perky cleavage, and started to write. He didn’t watch what she was writing, because his eyes were glued to the hardening nipples poking against her blouse.

When she was done writing, she stood up, and folded the napkin. She held it out to him, her eyes dancing with excitement. Merrick lifted his hand to take the note, but she whipped her hand away and let the note fall to the ground.

“Whoopsies.” She bent her hand against her chest as if to say, I’m such a clumsy wumsy little girl. Charmed, yet unsure how this game was supposed to be played, Merrick started to lean forward to pick up the note, but she stopped him with an open palm. She dropped down into a deep knee bend and reached for the note herself. But, instead of going for the paper, she put her hand on his knee, and locked eyes with him.

His pulse quickened as he watched her fingertips begin a long slow creep up his leg. He flexed his quads and smiled to himself as she licked her lips.

As her fingers got closer to their target, Merrick felt blood rush to his cock. When her fingers found his rapidly hardening tip farther down the pant leg then most men could boast, he let out an involuntary moan of pleasure, as she let out a squeal of elation, and her eyes went wide.

“Told you,” Merrick whispered.
