Page 53 of Bombshell

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He looked down – to see if the lance was still poking out, but his cock was withering away, the way it always did when rejected.

“I’m sorry – I shouldn’t be here,” Merrick said.

“Don’t go,” Bombshell pleaded but he was already putting on his clothes.

“I’m sorry, I’m going to stay with Tony tonight. See you tomorrow.”

Merrick left, his heart broken and he tried to ignore the ring box in his pocket. Maybe he could return it.

Chapter Twenty Five

Merrick couldn’t sleep that night. And not just because Tony had some girls over for a threesome in the next room. When he’d arrived, all disheveled and out of sorts, Tony had apologized about his lady friends, who at the time were sitting around in their bikinis, drinking daiquiris in front of the fire.

Merrick told him, it was all okay and declined Tony’s kind offer to take one of the ladies off his hand. He went to bed and lay there all night, wishing he could find a way to fix things.

It wasn’t until two am, before he came to a decision. He’d go ahead and propose, then see if she’d agree to marry him despite his oversized member. He could bring her to pleasure in every other way and get artificial insemination if she wanted kids. He’d never have to stick his cock inside her. She was that important to him. If she would take him, he’d make her his wife – even if that meant no more penetration for his third arm.

He set his alarm, and got a few hours of sleep. At seven am, he was showered and already heading back to the hotel. He let himself into his room and was surprised to find Bombshell, already up, wearing a stunning designer dress. She hummed happily as she fixed her hair.

“Hello Merrick,” she said, as if he’d just gone downstairs to find an orange juice.

“Hello, Bombshell,” he said, hope blooming in his heart.

“Ready for breakfast?”

“I sure am,” she said.

She put her hand in his as they took to elevator down. He couldn’t help but smile a little as she bounced on her heels beside him, like a contended child. When she threw her arms around his neck, he let her steal a quick kiss. His heart thumped in his chest – did this mean she still wanted him?

When the elevator doors closed, he almost forgot that this was going to be a challenging day. As she kissed him again. He held back, just in case, but in the back of his mind he started to have hope. Maybe things were going to work out, after all.

They released their kiss and stood side by side when the elevator stopped on the main floor. Merrick took Bombshell's elbow and guided her through the crowded lobby towards the Garden Room. The lobby was even busier than usual, mixed with hotel guest and people going to the Casino. He hoped Linda had followed his instructions and that the room was perfect. He chided himself for not stopping and checking before heading up to her room. Too late now.

“Jana, oh my God, Jana!” shouted a female voice from not too far away. Merrick and Bombshell both turned at once towards the sound and saw a full figured woman with red hair running towards them, her arms outstretched, her face contorted with a mixture of joy and relief. Beside him, he felt Bombshell stiffen. She jumped out of the girl’s reach as she closed in and Merrick glimpse fear cross Bombshell’s face.

He reacted immediately, stepping in front of the woman. He held his arms out to stop her. The girl’s face turned confused, then angry as she tried to move her head from side to side so she could look at the girl hiding behind him.

“Jana, it’s me, Holly,” she said with a desperate tinge to her voice.

Damn it. Holly? Holly from the Missing Person flyer? Somehow she’d found them. Holy shit. He couldn’t allow this ‘friend’ to mess things up. Not moments before he was going to pop the question. When she was in a good mood. When he was about to make things finally work out in his life. He couldn’t risk having this woman remind Bombshell who she really was.

Merrick motioned for a security guard, as he continued to hold off the upset red head with his outstretched arm. “Excuse me, miss, you’ve made some kind of mistake. Please leave.”

“No, I haven’t, what have you done to her? Jana, why aren’t you talking to me?” Her voice had become shrill, frantic. She was making a scene.

Several of Merrick’s plain clothed security guards grabbed her. Merrick nodded towards the exit meaningfully and they dragged her out the door, kicking and screaming. “Jana, Jana, why are you doing this?”

Finally, the automatic glass doors closed behind the crazy redhead and all the people who’d stopped to watch the spectacle, went back to whatever they were doing.

Merrick turned to find Bombshell, supporting herself against a marble column. He moved to her side. “I’m so sorry about that darling,” Merrick said. He tried to sooth her. She was trembling. He led her to the garden room, opened the door and sat her down at the table. He didn’t even take a moment to see if the room had been set up per his specs. He wanted to talk to that women. As upsetting as this had been for Bombshell, maybe it was a good thing that she was there. If Holly was indeed her friend, then she could attest to the truth of the story when he was finally ready to tell all. Maybe Holly’s presence could help her cope, after the FBI questioned her. He really shouldn’t have asked the men to take her to his office.

“Wait here, darling, I need to talk to my men about that unfortunate incident, I’ll be right back.”

Bombshell nodded somewhat numbly, so he raced out the door. Out in the lobby he immediately spotted one of his security guards, and motioned him over. “Where’s the red head, I want to talk to her.”

“Sorry, boss, she’s gone. We threatened to throw her in jail for disorderly conduct if she didn’t leave immediately and she got on the first free shuttle that drove up.”

